Night Swimming Pt. 1

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"Hey, whatcha watching?" My wife asks as she enters our large living room.

"'New Girl', want to watch?" I respond without turning around.

"I would but unfortunately, I can't. And neither can you." Scar comes around the sofa I'm lying across.

"Why's that?"

"There are things that need to be done around here. You're lucky I'm even being nice enough to let you relax at a time like this," she smirks as she takes my snack wrappers off of the coffee table.

"Right. Well, what's my job today?" I groan, getting up and following Scarlett into the kitchen.

Because our slick white drawers on the island counter don't have handles, she taps one of them, causing it to smoothly slide open. She pulls out one of our many restaurant menus.

"What's that for?" I question her as she goes through it.

"We're getting takeout tonight. I don't feel like cooking."

"I could've cooked."

"Nope. I still want takeout," she smirks.

"Yes ma'am. So about that job..." I start again.

"Right." She pulls out a small folded piece of paper from the back pocket of her jeans and shoves it across the island counter.

My eyes go wide as I scan the long list of jobs. "This isn't a job. This is more than one."

"I never said just one," she shrugs and walks away.

I lightly chuckle to myself and choose to start with my outdoor paint job. Scarlett wants me to repaint our deck chairs next to the lap pool. Knowing I have to buy paint now, I collect my things and find my wife wiping down the sliding glass doors to our walk-in wine closet.

"I'll be back," I tell her, pecking her cheek as I walk past her.

Throughout my trip to the store, I get texts from Scarlett telling me to get different things now that I'm out and about. I obviously oblige without question, as much as I would love to make this paint-buying trip a quick one.

"You look good when you work around the house," my wife comments when I walk through our front door.

I shoot her a half-smile as I stroll past her. She goes back to whatever she was doing in the wine closet. Before getting started next to the pool, I connect my phone to the outdoor speakers and play my tunes. "WOW" by Zara Larsson starts playing as I settle down on the tan concrete.


After three hours of painting multiple chairs and sitting on the uncomfortable, hard ground, I'm finally done. Since I started late, the sun is close to going down and the warm golden-orange light streams perfectly over the smooth water of the pool. I take a moment to watch the horizon and city below before going inside.

"Did you finish?" Scarlett asks.

"Yes ma'am," I smile, walking past her.

"Ready for dinner?" She calls after me.

"Yeah, just order me whatever."

Just as Scarlett is finishing up ordering dinner, I come back downstairs from getting changed in the bedroom. I catch her scanning my body when she sees me in just an oversized t-shirt. As I walk past her to the couches, I shoot her a smile and plop myself down. Shortly after, I'm joined by my lovely Scarlett.

"You look comfy," she mumbles against my chest when I accept her into my arms.

"Barely." I lift up my shirt, revealing my small bikini bathing suit.

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