⚠️ Car Accident Pt. 1

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Warning: angst

———————————————————————Scarlett:"Okay, have everything?" I ask my wife for the millionth time as we're standing at the front door

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"Okay, have everything?" I ask my wife for the millionth time as we're standing at the front door.

"I believe so..." She trails as she checks her pockets for the necessities.

"Keys, wallet, phone?"

"Check, check, and check."

"Drive safe, good luck, and call me when you can. I love you." I pull her into a tight hug which she returns just as strong.

"I love you more. See you in a couple of months."

I grab her face to kiss her passionately until she pulls away saying she needs to leave. Now starts my time alone while Callie goes upstate to Sacramento for work. She's one of the top lawyers in the state of California. She was called for a big case a while ago so for the past few months, she's been preparing heavily for this day.

I watch her pull out of the long driveway in our dark blue Rolls-Royce Phantom until she's out of sight.

Over five hours of driving later, I arrive in my hotel suite in Sacramento, California. I unpack my work briefcase onto the desk, wasting no time to review the case I'm being brought into. It's a big one and I need to be prepared.

-One month later-

"Are you ready?" I ask my client before we go into court.

He gives me the okay and so I lead the team into the room full of people. The trial is long and tiring but I don't let up. I'm here to represent this innocent man and that's exactly what I'm going to do. When we finish, we're finally dismissed so I lead the team out of the courtroom.

It's late so I stop at a small general store on my way to the hotel to get something quick for dinner. When I make it back, it's around 10:30 PM so I decide to try to give Scarlett a call. The phone rings only three times before her husky voice is on the other side.

"Hey honey, how are you?"

"Hey. I'm alright. Wishing I was home. How about you?"

"Me too. I miss you. How's the case?"

"Looking good. Can't say much but I think it's going in our favor."

"I'm proud of you. Can't wait to see 'Callie Johansson-Atwood wins another case' on the news!"

"Oh babe, don't jinx it."

"Sorry, love."

"That's okay. Hey, it's getting late and I have a big day tomorrow so I think I have to let you go. I just wanted to hear your voice. Get some sleep for me. Sending hugs and kisses."

"Okay. I love you so much."

"I love you. Goodnight."


-Two months later-

"Your honor, the members of this jury find the defendant not guilty," the jury spokesman announces.

Every part of me wants to celebrate but I have to keep my cool. My client's smile forms from ear to ear which makes me smile.

"This court is adjourned," the judge dismisses us.

We all leave the courtroom and my client immediately hugs me. I hug him back.

"Thank you, Mrs. Johansson-Atwood!"

"My pleasure."

With everything with the case over, it's finally time to go home. I make a pit stop at the hotel to check out before starting my five-hour journey home. I'm anxious to see Scarlett. I just need to hug her.


I've been driving for three hours with only two stops for snacks and the bathroom. I'm two hours from home so I told myself I'd just ride it out and get there. My leg is tired from driving so sitting at this red light feels good. Finally, it turns green so I start driving again.


Suddenly, everything goes black.

I'm flipping through TV channels when I stop on a news channel showing a horrible car crash. I decide to watch out of curiosity. But something sticks out to me. The car. The car that's absolutely wrecked, smashed in. A dark blue Rolls-Royce Phantom.

"A major crash at an intersection in Bakersfield leaves one dead and one in critical condition."

The helicopter camera zooms in on the Rolls and I immediately can't breathe. I grab my phone and frantically call Callie.

"You have reached the voice mailbox of Callie Johansson-Atwood. Please leave a message after the tone."

Tears fill my eyes. I call again. And again. And again. When I get no response, I get stuck. I have no idea what to do. I watch the TV in a panic again. I watch them take a dead body into an ambulance.

"Please don't be dead. Please don't be dead," I cry.

I watch the TV eagerly.

"Oh thank fuck," I sob when I watch the EMTs pull my Callie out of the Rolls. They said one dead and one in critical condition. I now know she isn't dead.

"Woman in critical condition will be flown to UCLA Medical Center."

I immediately shut off the TV and scramble to get my things, sprinting to our Alfa Romeo Stelvio parked outside the garage. I drive the long drive to her hospital.


"Hi, how can I help you?" A young man greets me at the front desk of UCLA Medical Center.

"Um. Hi. I- My wife was just brought here. She- She was in a car crash," I sob to the man.

"Okay, what's her name?"

"Callie Johansson-Atwood."

"Yes. She's in surgery at the moment. You're welcome to wait in the waiting room. I'll call you immediately when she gets out. It might be a long time."

"Okay." I sit in one of the waiting room chairs and sob. I get looks from people around me, probably because of who I am. I can tell some people want to come up to me but obviously, they decide it's not the time.


"Mrs. Johansson-Atwood. She's ready," the man announces after seven long hours. He tells me the room number and I practically sprint to her room.

I barge through her room's door and my heart breaks. She's unconscious in the bed. Her body is beaten up. She's in so many casts, she might as well be in a full-body cast. I pull up a chair next to her and break down. A doctor walks in soon after me.

I whip up from resting my head on Callie's bed. "How is she? What happened to her?" I ask.

"Due to the major side-impact collision, she endured extreme injuries, well, everywhere. Broken bones, whiplash, a concussion. It's a miracle she's alive."

"Oh my god." I can't stop the tears but I quickly wipe them away. "Well, is she going to wake up anytime soon?"

"Likely. She was on the edge of a coma but pulled through. Now it's just a matter of when her body is strong enough to wake up. That could take a while."

"Okay," I sniffle.

"I'll leave you alone now." The doctor leaves the room for me to talk and sob to my unconscious wife.

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