⚠️ NR - Just Come Home

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Warning: angst
-1 month ago-

The whole team and I are all in the conference room of the facility. We're arguing, of course, and it's getting heated.

"Well, you know what? I just don't think you're ready yet!" Tony yells at me.

"Not ready!? Are you kidding me? I've been fine for months now! You cleared me weeks ago!" I refute.

"I made a mistake. I shouldn't have!"

I scoff. "So the last few months were all for nothing? All for you to tell me I'm 'just not ready'?"

"I guess that's how it is." He responds strictly. I look to Natasha who's standing on the opposite side of the table as me. She looks away quickly.

I scoff again at my girlfriend who won't even defend me. "Thank you for your support, Natasha. Really good."

"I'm sorry Callie. I can't argue for you to be involved when just last week you lost control."

"Unbelievable. I'm sorry I'm still a fucking person! I'm going to have times every now and then when things get hard! Sorry, should've had Hydra make me into a superhuman, huh?" I angrily blurt out at the room.

"Callie..." Steve tries to start but I don't care to let him.

"No. I am so tired of being treated like a kid! It's not my fault I have these!" I lift my hands to gesture at my powers. Because of my anger, I don't realize the wisps around them. "I didn't ask to be made! But you know what? I was! So the least you people could do is let me do something good with them!"

"Callie, your-" Natasha starts but I cut her off too.

"I have done nothing but kill and ruin lives with what they gave me and now that I'm back, all you want to do is lock me up, hide me from the world! I am so sick of it! I'm not a fucking baby!" Suddenly, I can't control what I do. I strike my hand on the table in front of me. I don't have time to process anything before a large wave of blue is being pushed out from under my hand. When I look up from my hand, everyone in the room is stumbling back, my wisps absorbing into their stomachs.

My heart stops. It's only now that I can feel my eyes glowing blue but they're already fading out. My eyes lock on Natasha who's hunched over with a hand on her stomach. She looks up at me with fear-filled eyes. I instinctively back away from all of my friends, running into things as I do. When I'm at the doorway, I take one last look at my friends. Most of them are now sitting down because of what I just did to them. I sprint out of the room.

I barge into my and Nat's room, immediately grabbing my army backpack of things. I know what I have to do and I've had a bag packed since the day I was cleared for the real world. I can't live here anymore. I need to leave. Being careful not to run into anyone on my way out, I quickly sneak my way out of the compound to start my journey to... anywhere.

"Shit," I hiss to myself when the pain from Callie's blast really sets in. I'm not sure what she did to us but it hurts like hell. I can't stand up anymore so I sit on one of the couches, still clutching my stomach.

"Is everyone okay?" Steve asks the room. We all just say yes, probably to avoid being over-cared for since none of us are dying... we don't think.

"Where's Callie?" I instinctively croak.

"I don't know. She just ran out," Sam groans in response.

"Crap, I gotta find her." I try getting up but a sharp pain shoots through me.

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