NR - Callie Banner Pt. 1

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My dad is Bruce Banner. Meaning I have his abilities. I can turn into the Hulk but my version, not my dad's, obviously. It's still just as deadly and just as scary if I get angry enough. I'm still a big, ugly green monster when I lose control. Dad hasn't found a cure for his condition so there's nothing we can do about mine. Dad said if he ever found a cure, he would give it to me first, even though I don't think I deserve it first, he's been through more and going through my whole life with my dad, the Hulk, I've learned how to handle myself... Most of the time.

My dad is an Avenger. He uses his abilities for good. Recently, he's been going away on more missions so I've been home alone more often. We have a small apartment not too far from the Avengers tower. I'm currently home alone right now, just reading my book. Suddenly, the front door of the apartment is being opened and closed.

"Dad?" I call from the couch.

"Hi, sweetheart. How was your day?" Dad asks as he walks into the living room in his classic purple button-up shirt and brown pants.

He walks behind my couch and kisses the top of my head, setting his leather briefcase down against the couch. As I answer him, he walks into the kitchen.

"Boring. But how was work? That's a little more interesting."

"Oh, you know. It's the same old things. Tony being... Tony and the rest of the team not putting up with him," he chuckles.

"Any new missions?"

"You know I can't tell you. But if I could, I would tell you there's one in Cuba that Steve just gave a briefing for. That's all I can really say," Dad smirks.

"Sounds cool. Wish I could travel the world."

"That reminds me. We need to talk." Dad walks into the living room and carefully sits on the adjacent couch from me.

"Okay..." I cautiously sit up to focus. "What about?"

"I can't leave you home this much. It doesn't feel right. And knowing something could happen if I'm not around... that's not a risk I can take."


"So, until things settle, I need you to stay at the tower. You'll be safe there and there are people there who know what to do if I were to ever lose control so they'd be able to help you."

"But Dad, I'm fine here-"

"Please, don't argue. I need to keep us safe. You're most important. Just pack your things. We're leaving in a few hours."


With a suitcase full of the necessities, my dad drives us to our new temporary home. When we arrive, Dad insists he carries my bags inside for me.

"Hey, Bruce!" Tony Stark waves.

"Hi," Dad smiles.

Mr. Stark's eyes dart to me. "Who-"

"This is my daughter. Callie," my dad introduces me.

I awkwardly smile at the man smiling at me.

"Should I get the team together so we can meet her?" Mr. Stark tries.

"Yeah, I have some things to tell them about her," Dad says.

"Dad, we don't have-"

"I'm not taking chances," Dad cuts me off softly.

Minutes later, the whole Avengers team is in the conference room with us. Dad and I stand at the front of the room. Dad's arm is around me with his hand on my shoulder.

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