⚠️ NR - Toxic Relationship Pt. 1

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Warning: abuse

Help is at the bottom.
Before I could respond to his arguments, a glass is thrown at my head. I duck just before it could hit me but the pieces of glass from the impact on the wall cut me all over.

"What the fuck?!" I scream at my boyfriend, Ryan.

"You spend all your fucking time with them! I never see you. You aren't allowed to see them anymore. I'm done letting you spend your time with those people," he snarls at me from across the room.

"N-No. You can't just st-" He stomps up to me, cutting me off by slamming a hand on my neck, choking me against the wall.

I put my hands on his wrists and try to push him off, to tell him I can't breathe, but his grip is way too strong. I attempt to say something but my vision starts to go blurry. Right when I'm about to pass out, the oxygen reenters my lungs due to Ryan releasing his grip. As I'm sliding my back down the wall, gasping for air, I see someone standing over me and my boyfriend crashing to the ground. Then everything goes dark.

-8 hours earlier-

"You're not too bad," my friend, Clint Barton, comments on my shooting when I hit the target's bullseye for the 10th time in a row.

"Better watch your job, Barton. We might have a new Hawkeye to take your place," Tony Stark jokes from across the room.

"Well, I mean I did a bit of shooting sports when I was younger. I guess the skills stuck with me," I chuckle, blushing from the compliments.

"Clearly," Clint chuckles.

My phone buzzes in my pocket and I see a text from my best friend, Natasha Romanoff.

Tasha: Hey, you done messing around with Clint yet?

Me: I can be

Tasha: Good. So my room, 5 minutes.

I don't even bother to ask why, I've stopped asking why a long time ago when all her answers were something along the lines of "you'll see" or a sarcastic "nothing".

"Well my good sir, I gotta go. Thanks for the fun." I say my byes to Clint and Tony and rush out the training room doors and make my way to Nat's room.

"Knock knock!" I say as I'm knocking on her door but just walking in.

"So what's up? What does miss Natasha Romanoff have planned for us today?" I close her door behind me and walk over to where she's sitting up on her bed.

"Nothin'." She smirks at me, sending little butterflies through my stomach.

"Right. I can pretend I believe you." I giggle and climb into bed next to her, resting my head on her shoulder.

"I just missed your dumbass. I don't know."

I smile at her words and lean further into her.

"Plus I got bored."

"Way to kill a moment," I chuckle under my breath.

"Sorry," she smirks. "Well now that you're here, wanna watch a movie?"

"Mhm, that sounds nice."

Nat turns on her TV and we pick a movie. We choose the movie Up. As the movie starts, we set up her bed to be more comfortable with pillows and blankets surrounding us and snuggle into each other.

I last until about the time when the bad old guy sets Carl's house on fire, whenever that happens, but my eyes start to feel really heavy and inside of Nat's arms is a very comfortable place to be so I let myself fall asleep.

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