Soulmates: Touch Pt. 2

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-Yesterday after Comic-Con day 1-

"You look like you've seen a ghost," Evans comments when we're all hanging out in our room behind Comic-Con.

"Probably because I just met my soulmate and I'm still wrapping my head around it," I explain, basically collapsing on one of the couches.

"Holy shit! How'd that happen?" Jeremy cuts in.

"I don't know! At the meet and greet, she was a complete mess so, naturally, I hugged her and when we touched... well boom, color."

"Ho-ly. Shit." Robert smirks.

"Wait," Evans starts, turning everyone's heads. "What'd you do then? Did you guys exchange numbers? Usually, I like to stay positive but there's a good chance you'll never meet her again if you didn't."

"Well, I wrote my number on the back of one of those signed posters we sell."

"So she basically paid to get your number." Jeremy laughs.

"Oh my god! No, absolutely not. That would be so horrible if I made her pay for it!" I chuckle. "I just gave it to her."

"Good. Hey! You should tell her to come to day two. She can hang out with us. I wanna meet her!" Robert excitedly offers.

All my friends voice their agreement.

"Okay okay. When she contacts me, I'll tell her. But she had a friend with her today. What about her?" I ask.

"Her friend can come too, of course. She looked like she had a thing for Hemsworth anyway," Jeremy chuckles, earning a happy eye roll from Chris himself.

-Day two of Comic-Con-

Driving myself and June back to Comic-Con, I'm a nervous wreck. Not just because I'm seeing my soulmate but because my soulmate is the famous Scarlett Johansson.

"Wait. Am I allowed through the guests only door too?" June asks as we make our way through the parking lot to the convention center.

"No June. I'm going to leave you in San Diego all by yourself for the rest of the day while I go hang with the Avengers Cast," I respond sarcastically.

She stares at me with an offended look, lips parted slightly and eyebrows raised a little. I can't help but laugh, it's too funny.

"Of course you're coming with me!" I giggle.

"Yay!" She squeals then her face lights up even more. "Oh my god! Chris Hemsworth is a part of the cast!" She states, almost screaming.

I quickly slap my hand over her mouth and give her a look while still laughing.

"No shit June. But can you be quiet? Jesus!"

We finally make it through the lines and crowds into the convention center. I'm still in shock about how amazing everything is in color.

I'm not sure when I'm supposed to go to the guest door so I text Scarlett.

Me: Hey, I'm at the center. When should I go to the door?

Scarlett Johansson: How about after the meet and greet?

Me: Perfect:)

"So do you have any money?" I question June as we walk around the crowds.

"Mmm, nope! Spent it all yesterday."

"Cool, me too. What should we do until after the meet and greet? That's when Scarlett said to go the door."

"Well, how long do we have?"

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