⚠️ NR - Bullied Pt. 2

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Warning: bullying
I fall to the ground with a twist from Jackson's punch to my jaw. I spit out blood and try to get up just to get kicked in the stomach. You'd think I would be able to fight back because I'm an Avenger but I guess I'm more brains than brawn. As much as I can fight just fine, I was told not to "show off" my skills outside of the compound. It's the same as Peter Parker. He's Spider-Man but no one knows because he hides it.

"You piece of shit," Jackson hisses as the bottom of his shoe comes down on my face.

Everything goes black.


My eyes flutter open and a cool breeze comes over my body. It takes me a moment to realize I'm still laying in the alleyway Jackson beat me up in from earlier in the day. It's now dark out.


I missed a meeting with the Avengers. As I lift myself from the ground, I cough up blood and spit it to the side of me, positioning myself against the brick wall of one of the buildings I'm between. I pull out my phone to check the time and check for texts. It's almost ten at night and my phone is full of texts from the Avengers and a few from June.

Tony Stark: Where are you? You missed the meeting.

Clint Barton: Everything alright? Missed you at the meeting.

Steve Rogers: Hi, how are you? Saw you missed the meeting. I can fill you in when you get here. Let me know you're okay.

Natasha Romanoff: Is everything okay with you? I've been worried. If you need a ride, let me know. It's getting late.

Tears fill my eyes as I read the texts. Painful tears and tears from all the feelings I've been holding in all week. It's a weekend so I didn't have school and I walked instead of driving. Having no other option, I reluctantly click on Nat's contact and call her, doing everything I can to not cry. The second I hear her voice, I can't hold back.

"Hey, are you okay?" Nat asks on the second ring.

"C-Can you come get me?" I cry lightly into the phone.

"Where are you?"

"I-I don't know anymore," I sob.

"Okay, it's okay. Just send me your location then."

"Okay," I whisper, pulling the phone away from my ear to send her my location.

"I'm coming, honey. Stay there."

I allow her to hang up so she can drive and about 20 minutes later, I hear the engine of her Corvette and her headlights shining on me when she pulls into the alleyway. She instantly runs out of her car, leaving it on for light. When she reaches me, she drops down next to me.

"Oh my god. Are you okay?"

I try to nod my head but the movement causes my head to spin. My body goes limp so I fall to the side, Nat catching me in her arms.

When Callie falls into me, I catch a glimpse of her bruised stomach. Out of instinct, I lift her shirt and the sight hurts my heart. The dark bruises and small cuts litter her skin. Ever so carefully, I lift her in my arms and place her in my car, quickly driving her home to the compound so Bruce can take a look to make sure nothing is serious.


"She got lucky. Her ribs could have gotten cracked. The worst that happened here seems to be her minimum concussion, which is not nothing," Bruce tells me.

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