🔞 NR - On the Run Pt. 2

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Small A/N at the bottom:)
"In the mood to act on it?"

The second we're in our bedroom, I'm shoved onto the bed. I sit up on my forearms and watch as she slowly and seductively strips for me. Once clothesless, she grabs my thighs and drags me to the edge of the bed. Once she has my shirt on the floor, I place gentle hands on her bare waist and pull her closer. Before anything else, she pulls off the rest of my clothes. Finally, we're naked against each other.

We stare at each other, Nat's hands on my shoulders holding me in place. I smile up at her before slowly leaning into her stomach where I place soft kisses on her abs. She hums quietly. I gradually crawl back on the bed, pulling Nat with me. She connects her lips to mine, already parting her lips. I kiss her back hungrily, my tongue traveling further into her mouth. The sloppy kissing only lasts for a short couple of minutes before I gently push her head down to my neck, turning to give her more access. She kisses, sucks, and nips at my skin, leaving throbbing hickeys down my neck and chest that she soothes over with her tongue.

With the hand she isn't using to hold herself up, she caresses my curves—touching me in all the right spots. I hum into the air, my breathing getting heavier the lower on my body she gets. My hands tangle in her hair with a tight grip to hold her against me. After leaving enough hickeys to her liking, she instantly goes for my tits, taking one in her hand and the other in her mouth. While toying with my nipple with her fingers, she sucks hard on the other breast. I push her head further onto me, occasionally bobbing her head up and down for added pleasure. My moans and her low grunts fill the small house.

She keeps her mouth around my tit while dragging her hand down my body. She repositions herself so she's straddling one of my legs and slips two fingers into my wet cunt. I let out a long loud moan. She fingers me hard, pushing her fingers knuckle deep into me every now and then. Her moans match my near-screams and that's when I realize she's grinding her pussy against my thigh to pleasure herself. We can't even kiss—that's how good it is.

In between hard pumps into me, she periodically slides her fingers against my clit. I feel like I've entered heaven—and I never want to come back. Her strong pumps decrease the harder she grinds her own cunt against my leg. I'm not mad at that, though. Her moans alone are enough to bring out my high. She stopped sucking on my tit when her pumps got weaker.

It doesn't take much more—just a curl to my g-spot—for me to cum onto her hand combined with a scream. She lets me ride out my orgasm while continuing to pleasure herself. Not wanting to be done, I quickly flip us over so I'm on top. Once there, I don't waste any time shoving my fingers into her. She screams, already close to her orgasm from all the grinding she did on my thigh. With what's left of my strength in my body, I finger her hard and fast. Her body rocks underneath mine, our breasts sliding past one another.

The feeling each time our hard nipples make contact is enough. Being worn out, I rest my sweaty forehead on her collar as I keep up my pace in and out of her. Following a scream of my name, she releases onto my hand. Having what I wanted, I slow my pace, eventually pulling out. Of course, I lick my hand clean of her and collapse to the side.

After some silence from catching our lost breaths, I finally say, "I really felt the lust."

"It's strong with you," she smirks.

"I'd hope so. You are dating me." I pause for a moment. "If love is for children, then call me a baby because I am so in love with you."

I can feel Nat blushing. She stays silent but tucks us under the blankets and gets comfortable under my arm with her head on my bare chest. It doesn't take a long time of staring out the window at the white moonlight and recovering from everything we just did to fall asleep.

I can't believe it's real. 500k. half a million. that is so crazy. I'm so happy. y'all make me happy. thank you for your continued support! I appreciate you peeps. you're why I haven't stopped writing, doing what I love. thank you thank you thank you.

have a lovely day/ night:)

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