NR - New Experiment Pt. 1

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A/N at the bottom.
"It's been two weeks since Callie was taken by Hydra," Steve announces to start the meeting. I sink into my seat a little further. Callie is my girlfriend and she was taken by Hydra. We don't know what they want from her but with Hydra, obviously, it can't be good. They're known for human experiments. I'm just praying we can find her before they can do anything.

"And it's been two weeks with no plan to get her back. Well, a plan that can be executed safely and quickly," Steve continues.

"So, what's the point of this meeting?" Wanda reads my mind. Not literally, though.

"The point is we might have a way."

I perk up at this. "A plan?" I ask.

"We think." Steve brings up the building that Callie is being held at. It's a huge industrial building. The hologram of the interior shows all levels. The only one I care about is the level with Callie on it. All we know is that that floor is one humongous room with nothing in it. Obviously, if we were actually in the room, there would probably be something in it but from what we have, it's just a room with nothing but its four walls.

"If we can get to level six undetected, we have a good chance of getting her. But I need to emphasize the undetected part. If even one soldier calls it in, we're screwed. They'll probably relocate Callie and we'll have to start from square one all over again," Steve continues. "Because of this, we can't have everyone on this mission. Only a select few. So, I've chosen–"

"I'm going," I cut him off.


"Steve, if by chance she's under Hydra's control, you and Bucky know better than anyone that a familiar face can help."

"I can't risk you and Callie. I know how much this mission means to you, I do. But I can't risk it."

"Well, I think I should have an opinion on whether or not I risk my life."

Steve sighs.


In a chair that faces the far northern wall, past all the science equipment and technology, I stare straight out ahead of me, my face completely emotionless. I don't move. I don't speak. Not unless I'm told to.

"Shall we test our new experiment?" the man in charge asks his subordinates. "Make her do something," he instructs.

One of the other men with a tablet does something on it and I stand from my seat. "What would you like to see, sir?" he asks.

"She has powers, does she not? Let's use them."

"Yes, sir." The man taps his tablet a few times.

Without a thought, I generate my wisps, spin, and blast the wall directly behind me. The wall crumbles from the hole in the middle of it. My eyes fade back to brown and my body relaxes.

He steps up to me, examining every inch of me. He gets into my face to study it. "Very impressive, doctor," the man in charge praises his worker.

"Thank you, sir. She still needs many improvements but we're so close. At this rate, it shouldn't take long to complete."

"Keep it up."


We wait until dark. When we're high above the warehouse where Callie is, we're dropped off. The building is sort of in the middle of nowhere in a vast field. It's not surprising, we know Hydra likes their privacy when they're doing something illegal like human experimentations.

Steve gave in and let me go on this mission. He tried to talk me out of it but there was no way I was missing this. If we're getting Callie, I want it to be my face she sees when she's saved.

I land on the roof with light feet. No one used parachutes since we weren't dropped off too high above the building. Plus, most of us are advanced anyway. The only ones on the team for this mission are me, Steve, and we called in Scott and Hope. Scott and Hope are here for disabling alarms and whatnot from within since they won't see them coming, literally.

"Stealth mode from here," Steve whispers. "Hope, Scott. You're up. Go scope downstairs," Steve says into his coms.

"Roger that, Captain America."

"Why is he so weird?" I whisper to Steve.

Steve cracks a smile. "No idea."

"Level seven is clear," Hope tells us. "Oh wait."

"What is it?" Steve asks.

"Okay, well, the floor is clear. But..."

"What?" Steve presses.

"Maybe you should just see for yourself."

Steve and I exchange a concerned glance then he turns the locked doorknob of the single door on the roof until it breaks and we're let in. We rush down the small flight of stairs and into the room where Scott and Hope should be. We find them in the room after they make themselves a normal size. I turn my attention to the floor we're on.

"Well, shit just got more interesting," I mumble.

Okay. I have a question. Are there any other characters (preferably Marvel but I'm flexible if I knew the character/film/show) that you'd want to see one-shots of from me? I've been playing with the idea of other characters but nothing's solid so I wanna hear your opinions/wants.

Okay, have a lovely day/night, whatever it is for you.

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