⚠️ NR - Mind Controlled

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Warning: angst
My eyes glow blue and my wisps glide around my hands as I slowly step towards her. She backs up, not daring to turn her back to me. Her fear-filled eyes stay locked with my furious ones. She doesn't try to attack me.

"Now, soldier," I'm instructed through the earpiece behind my ear.

With my leader's instructions, I tighten my jaw and create a blue ball between my hands. I continue walking towards her until she trips over a tree's root above the dirt. She falls to the ground with a grunt, continuing to crawl away. When the ball is fully generated, I project it as hard as I can towards her, sending it flying in a blue flash. Right before it can make contact, Captain America lunges himself in front of her with his shield. My blast makes contact with his vibranium, causing an explosion that sends me stumbling back and Captain America and Black Widow opposite ways.

I take this opportunity to generate another wisp ball and throw it at my mission. She quickly rolls out of the way, just missing it. The blast creates a small fire where she just was. I immediately create another, pushing it towards her. She once again dodges it. Frustrated, I generate ball after ball as fast as I can, projecting them at Black Widow over and over again until finally, she can't avoid it.

"AGH!" She cries out in agony when my blast nails her in the stomach, sending her flying through the air. I watch Hawkeye immediately sprint up to her.

I try to run away now that my mission is seemingly over. I can barely get ten feet away when I'm completely surrounded by people. I spin around in fear. I'm outnumbered and Captain America can block my blasts. This doesn't look good for me. I generate my wisps anyway.

"Callie, please," Iron Man pleads.

I whip around to him. I only partly recognize the name he just used to get my attention.

"Stop this madness!" Captain America tries but when I turn to him with glowing blue eyes, he lifts his shield fearfully.

"Okay, guys. The hard way it is," Iron Man says sadly.

They all look around at each other before another starts talking. "Wanda, now," the Winter Soldier instructs calmly.

All of a sudden, I'm being blasted at by the Scarlet Witch's red wisps. Instinctively, I shoot back. Our two colors create a magenta barrier between us for a long moment. Then, I feel a tiny sharp pain behind my ear before everything stops. I stop blasting the Scarlet Witch, my wisps start to vanish into the air, and my eyes very slowly begin to fade in and out.

"Callie?" This time, for some reason, I recognize the voice. "Callie, is that you?" Wanda Maximoff hesitantly asks.

"Guys, her eyes," Steve Rogers points out to the group surrounding me.

"She's here, I know it. Give her a second," Tony Stark tells them.

I look around me. Wanda, Tony, Steve, Bruce, all my friends. But no Clint or Natasha.

"Is that you?" Wanda asks again.

I turn to her finally. "Wands..."

"Oh my god!" She instantly runs to me and embraces me in a tight hug despite Tony and Steve telling her not to. It takes me a second but I hug her back just as tight.

"W-Where's Nat?" I croak.

"So she doesn't know..." Steve starts.

"I don't know what?"

"You... You blasted her..." He finishes, turning his body to face outside of the group, gesturing to where Nat is.

In an absolute panic, I push out of the circle and sprint to the tree Nat and Clint are at. Nat is sitting up against it, blood dripping out of her mouth, hands and stomach covered in her blood. Clint is by her side, trying to comfort her. When they see me come over, Clint immediately gets up and shoves me as hard as he can away from her.

"Get the hell away from her!" He cries.

"Clint, she's okay," Steve tells him, helping me up.

Pure anger in his eyes, he finally lets me next to Nat. She looks over to me, a hint of fear behind her loving gaze.

"Fuck, I'm so sorry. Natasha, I'm so sorry," I sob. The last time I saw her, I was taking a bullet for her. The day I was taken by Hydra.

"It- It-" She tries but she just coughs up blood.

"No, it's not okay. I don't even know how you could say that right now," I say strictly.

"Y-You were b-being mind c-controlled..."

I take her hands in mine against her bloody stomach. "And now you're dying," I weep.

"It's not your fault," she whispers weakly, briefly closing her eyes.

"No, wake up. Don't you dare close your eyes."

She fights to keep her eyes open. I sob harder just knowing I'm the cause of this. My body goes weak so I fully sit crosslegged on the ground.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

Even through the darkness, I can see her face go pale. Her eyes stop fighting to stay open so they slowly close. As they do, she looks at me once more.

"I love you no matter what," she squeaks. Her eyelids fall. They don't open.

"No. Nat no. Nat, wake up. Please wake up," I plead even though I know it's no use.

Clint on the other side of her reaches for her neck to check her pulse. He sadly drops his hand. "She's gone."

My heart drops. When I thought I couldn't cry harder, I do. I pull her now-dead body into mine, holding her close. I sob, pressing her head into my chest, wishing she would wake up and wrap her arms around me.

"I-I love you so much, Nat. I'm so sorry."

I hear the rest of the team surround me and my dead girlfriend. Everyone is silent. Wanda drops to her knees behind me and places a hand on my upper back to comfort me.


I haven't left my room at the compound in a week. I haven't eaten anything or done anything. I don't even know why the team brought me back here after what I did. After I killed Nat, my own girlfriend. Even if I was under Hydra's control. It's all my fault.

"Hey, I brought you dinner," Wanda says as she's walking in.

"I'm not hungry."

"You haven't eaten in a week. Please eat."

"It's all my fault. She's dead because of me."

"No, you were under Hydra's control."

"But I saw myself do it. I knew what I was doing at the moment."

Wanda sighs. "You couldn't stop even if you tried. You were being mind-controlled. Don't blame yourself."

I turn in my bed to face away from her. "Just leave my food on the desk." I hear her put the plate down and start to walk to me. "Goodnight," I say before she reaches me.

She stops walking to me. "Fine. I'm here if you need someone."

She leaves my room and the second the door closes, I burst into silent sobs. I play back that night in the woods in my mind. Walking up to her, blasting her, killing her, then holding her dead body.

I cry until I can't cry anymore. And when I can't, I lay awake in painful silence until morning.

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