Soulmates: Touch Pt. 1

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Only when you physically touch your soulmate are you able to see in color. Before that, you live in black and white.
My world is all black and white. Literally. I can't see in color until I meet, well technically touch, my soulmate. It's really sad for many reasons, obviously, besides the fact that I haven't met the one person I'm meant to be with for the rest of my life. My best friend, Juniper, met her soulmate just last month at a music festival. What fucking luck. Like, one second, we were jumping with the music in black in white and the next, some boy accidentally knocks into her and she screams "Oh my fucking god, I love you" to this random kid. They've been dating now for a few weeks. But now I'm stuck in my colorless world without June to share the pain with. Great.

I've been doing everything I can in hopes I run into my soulmate. I go out way more often than I usually do and I'm spending a shit ton of money going out to cool places and events. For example, my work had a business trip that cost me a good hundred bucks to go on, since my work didn't cover this particular trip, and I happily accepted and paid that $100 I didn't have. Of course, I didn't meet my soulmate.

This week, though, June and I are going to Comic-Con in San Diego. I think I'm most excited about this because I've always wanted to go to the San Diego one. I've been to plenty of Comic-Cons but not this one. We have to leave Thursday morning, it's Monday today so we have a day and a half to get ready.


Frantic beeping scares me awake at 5:00 AM. I groan, rolling over to shut off the alarm. I immediately scramble out of bed when I realize what day it is. Comic-Con. I call June on the phone and tell her to be ready in 20 minutes and I'll be right over.

"Hey dumbass!" I jokingly insult her as she climbs into my blue Jeep Wrangler.

"We're San Diego bound!" She squeals in response.

I pull out of her driveway and start our hour-long drive to Comic-Con.

"Maybe you'll find your soulmate here!" June offers after a few minutes of silence.

"I really don't know June, I've had such bad luck with finding her. I've tried. Maybe I'm not meant to find mine? I dunno." I finally give up on finding my soulmate and accept that I won't find her and I should stop trying.

"Oh, don't think like that. Keep your head up."

We spend the final 45 minutes talking and laughing.


"Holy shit!" I comment, looking at the thousands of people crowding the streets of San Diego's comic con.

We bought tickets as special as we could get so we can make the most of today. Our tickets basically got us passes to do everything cool they have available to the public, including meeting whoever the guest people they brought in are.

We quickly make our way through the crowds and into the venue.

"Ooo look! Marvel!" I squeal like a child at the first Marvel table I see.

June and I drag each other, both as equally as excited as the other, from one station to the next. I look down at my phone to check the time.

"June, we gotta make our way to the stage. The guest people come on in a few minutes!" I announce, dragging my friend away from a table.

We stand pretty close to the stage, thank you VIP passes, and prepare for the guests. We're only standing around for five minutes, watching people filter in around us. Finally, a man comes up to the podium and announces they're going to begin.

"Welcome to the San Diego Comic-Con! I'm glad you could all make it!"

Everyone cheers and claps and the man waits for everyone to quiet before continuing his speech.

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