NR - Pregnant Pt. 3

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-July 24-

Laying in her hospital bed, Callie turns to me. "Nat, I can't do this," she cries.

"Yes, you can. You are so strong." I give her hand a reassuring squeeze which she returns with double the strength.

"I'm so scared."

"I know. You're going to be just fine." I kiss her forehead.

I've barely pulled away from her head when the doctor starts. "The baby's coming. You have to push."

With fear in her eyes, she glances at me. Then it happens. "AHHH!" She screams, gripping my hand tighter than she's ever gripped it before. As she screams and pushes, the pain causes her to unconsciously create flowing wisps up my arm with glowing blue eyes. When the doctors see this, their shocked and concerned looks almost make me want to laugh. Obviously, not the time.

30 long minutes later, Callie's screams cease and the newborn is in the doctor's arms. She hands the baby to an exhausted Callie. In her weak arms, she holds and admires our child.

"N-Nat," she whispers.

"I'm here honey," I immediately perk up.

"I-I need to... Can you..." She moves to hand me our baby so I don't hesitate to accept her.

When our baby girl's in my arms, Callie instantly passes out.


After hours of various hospital things for the baby and Callie, the hospital is finally letting us go home. Since she's extremely weak and tired, the doctors let me push her in a wheelchair to our car with the baby in her lap. For the whole car ride home, Callie weakly cradles our baby as she fights to stay awake. By the time we get home, she's completely passed out.

"Honey, we're home," I whisper to her.

Her eyes flutter open and she turns her head on the seat to look at me. Her eyes fall closed again.

"Okay, I'll take her," I tell Cal softly as I'm getting out of the car.

Cal lets me take our sleeping baby in my arms and support her into the house, straight into our bedroom. While my wife sleeps, I take this time to bond with my daughter. With Dallas laying across my left arm, I rest my right hand on her little abdomen. Her little hand grips my index finger. I gently rock her as she sleeps. I watch both my sleeping wife and child until one of them wakes up.


By the time dinnertime rolls around, Cal finally stirs. "Dorogaya (sweetheart)," she moans.

From sitting in one spot and position for so long, I've grown tired. I perk up at my wife's soft voice. "Ya zdes (I'm here)," I whisper so I don't wake the baby.

"Will we teach the kid Russian?" She squeaks.

"If that's what you want," I smile.

She weakly returns the smile and slowly flings her legs over the side of the bed. Taking this as my cue to get up, I slowly and carefully do the same.

"I can take her," Cal yawns, holding her arms out for Dallas.

"It's okay, I like holding her."

Cal's smile grows as she gets out of bed, limping downstairs. I support her the best I can while still holding our child.

"What do you want for dinner?" I ask.

"It doesn't matter," she groans, flopping down at the kitchen table and holding her hands out again.

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