🔞 NR - Movie Night Shenanigans

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"Who's ready for movie night?" Tony excitedly asks as dinner is coming to an end. We all voice our agreement at the same time.

"What are we watching?" I ask, even though I'm sure he doesn't know because he never does until we're all sitting in the screening room.

"No idea."


Everyone files out of the kitchen to do whatever they have to do to prepare for movie night. That mostly means grabbing blankets and whatnot to get comfy in the large seats. Of course, for Natasha and me, that means grabbing blankets and pillows for cuddling in.

"What blanket are you feeling tonight?" Nat asks as she grabs pillows from our bed.

"I don't know, I was eyeing that fluffy brown one all day though," I smirk at her as I change my clothes into something more comfortable.

"Then the fluffy brown one it is. Come on, we gotta go, or Tony's going to take our spot." Nat grabs my arm before my pants are even pulled up all the way. I have to struggle to make sure the rest of the team doesn't get a good view as she drags me out of our room.

"You couldn't have waited literally two more seconds?" I jokingly complain as we walk into the screening room.


When we get to our rightful seat, we lay out our blankets and pillows on the large, red, leather movie theater seat. We sit in the back of the room, behind everyone. It's a better view of the whole screen and the sound is, for some reason, better back here. Every movie night, Nat and I alternate positions so tonight, it's my night to be in her arms. So Nat gets herself comfy first, somewhat sitting up between a few pillows. She opens her legs and holds out her arms, my cue to get in. I plop down between her legs, snuggling my back into her as she wraps her arms around my waist and places soft kisses all over my neck.

"Okay, so we have our options. We can go for horror slash scary or Disney... Again..." Tony announces.

"Scary!" I blurt out way too loud and way too quickly.

"Okay then. Does anyone want to argue?" No one argues. They all agree with me. "Scary it is." He starts up the movie, Us, and all the lights go out.

I don't think many of us are ones to get scared by movies easily. I mean we're all Avengers, I'm sure we've all seen worse. Especially Nat, Bucky, and me. Horror movies don't phase us in the slightest but they're fun to watch anyway. As the movie begins, Nat slips her hands under my shirt to rub my stomach on the skin. As she rubs me, I drag my nails lightly along her arms and rest my head back on her collarbone.

Her fingers trace along my ab muscles, running lower every now and then. She's being discrete about it so she probably thinks I don't notice. But I do and she's close to my breaking point. Suddenly, there's a little jump scare that doesn't scare me at all but Nat's fingers finally reach my gut so I flinch. She slowly kisses down my neck until where she can't reach with her lips anymore. I have to grab a tight hold of her thighs and take quiet deep breaths to control myself.

Her fingers of one hand continue to rub just under my pants' waistline while her other hand goes further up my shirt. Luckily, I chose to go braless for tonight so she has easy access to toy with my tits. I have no idea why, out of all times, she chose during movie night to make me horny but here we are. It takes everything in me not to let out any sounds as she kisses my neck and grabs my tits. She waits until there's a loud part of the movie to finally slip her fingers into my sweatpants so I can hum quietly. She starts pumping into me slowly causing me to slide my hands to her upper thighs and tighten my grip. I want everything in me to let out little moans but all I can do is press my head back and bite my lip.

The movie gets louder so Nat speeds up, making it harder for me to stay quiet. My mouth gapes open, as dangerous as it is since I'm risking being loud. The most frustrating thing about our situation is Nat will speed up during loud parts and slow down, almost stopping, when it gets quiet, and it's the worst tease in the world. After a little while, she escalates things, beginning to hit my g-spot every time she goes in and rubs my clit with her thumb. I squeeze her upper thighs as tight as I can and I can't stop a full moan from escaping my throat. Before the whole thing can come out, Nat's hand slaps onto my mouth to cut me off, continuing to fuck me. She keeps her hand over my mouth until I nod to tell her I won't make a sound. She uncovers my mouth to go back to my tits. Still fucking me, she multitasks amazingly, taking one tit in her hand and toying with my nipple then alternating between my two breasts.

I rub up and down her thighs since I can't sit still and I can't make noises. She doesn't let up until the last few minutes of the movie. When she pulls out of me, I'm mixed between wanting more and being relieved that I don't have to try to stay silent anymore. She places a couple of gentle, warm kisses on my neck as I catch my breath. The lights of the screening room slowly turn back on but everyone stays in their seats to talk, like usual. Nat casually drapes her arms over my shoulders and gently rubs my upper chest with her hand.

"That movie was so... strange," Bruce comments first.

"The ending really messed with me!" Wanda adds.

"Does anyone understand it?" Steve asks.

"Not even I do," Tony laughs after the rest of us say no.

"Well great call on not watching Disney again, Cal! I think I'm going to head to bed though, it's crazy late." Clint smiles as he gets up and walks up the aisle, past Natasha and me, and out the theater door.

One by one, all of our friends leave the room, leaving me and Nat alone. "You always somehow manage to pick the worst times to have sex," I giggle to Nat as I start to climb out of our seat.

"What are you talking about? That was great. I really liked it."

"Ohh, I hate you sometimes," I tease with a bit of a laugh.

"Let's do it again sometime." She gets up finally and steps up to me, grabbing me by my waist and pulling me into her.

"Gladly but maybe can we do it somewhere I don't have to be quiet?" I pull her lips to mine before she can respond. We make out slowly until we mutually agree to go to our bedroom.

"Well someone's needy," Nat giggles as I'm dragging her to the bed to initiate another round.

"Your fault," I whisper while I rip our clothes off. "Now shut up and fuck me."

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