Breakup Prank

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———————————————————————Scarlett:Placing a small camera on the bookshelf and making sure it's hidden well, I prepare myself to pull a prank on my fiancé

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Placing a small camera on the bookshelf and making sure it's hidden well, I prepare myself to pull a prank on my fiancé. Callie went to Home Depot to get supplies to fix the electric fireplace in our bedroom. She's a handyman when to comes to house and car work. She left a little while ago so I have just enough time to set up the prank.

I pull off my stunning diamond engagement ring and place it carefully in the middle of the kitchen table. I know it's just a prank but the empty feeling of not wearing my ring hurts my heart a little. I turn on the camera and lean on the edge of the kitchen table, waiting for Callie.

Minutes later, she walks in, arms full of bags. "Honey, I'm home!" she calls happily. "We'll find out if I can fix this stupid fireplace. Why does our house always break?" she chuckles as she hangs up her jacket before walking towards me.

She glances at me leaning against the kitchen table but just walks past me, clearly paying no mind to me. I let out a small annoyed breath as I watch her put the Home Depot bags on the island.

"We need to talk," I finally say strictly.

"Okay, what's up?" she asks, turning her attention to me.

To help the process, I uncross my arms and place them to my sides to lean on them. Callie walks over to me but freezes when she notices my ring on the table.

"Why-" she starts but I cut her off.

"This isn't working."

"This isn't working?" she repeats me. "What do you mean this isn't working?"

"We need to separate. I-I don't see a future with..." I trail off, not able to finish my sentence because of how much truth is missing.

"Everything was so great. No, everything was literally perfect just before I left. How can we go from being so happy together to breaking up in a matter of hours?"

"Things change."

"Things don't change that fast." She takes a step forward towards me.

"You're right. Things have been changing for a while. And I've come to the conclusion that we need to separate."

Callie runs a hand through her gorgeous hair, looking around the room as she thinks about her response. "If this is what you want, fine."


I'm cut off by Cal ripping off her engagement ring and slamming it on the table next to me.

I saw the camera. I'll give it to her, she chose a good hiding spot. But I'll give it to myself, I'm better at finding things. I could very easily break off this prank of hers but what's more fun than playing along?

"You're right, things have changed. I've thought about it," I start. "And I guess you're doing both of us a favor by breaking things off. We all know I wouldn't."

Scar opens her mouth to respond but I cut her off again.

"Better to break up before the wedding than get a divorce later."

"Yeah," she chokes.

"We had a good run." I look down to see I'm wearing her shirt. "Oh shit, this is yours. I guess you'll want it back." I quickly but seductively pull my shirt over my head, leaving me in a bra in front of her.


"I'll go call the wedding coordinators to cancel the wedding," I cut her off as she stares at me. I fight back a smile.


"I love you always." I step up to her and grab the sides of her neck, pressing my lips to her forehead.

As I pull away, the sadness in her eyes breaks my heart so I know I should break this prank off. Her prank. I smile down at her which makes Scar furrow her eyebrows.

"Next time, hide the camera better," I whisper before connecting our lips.

When we pull away, her smile grows. "I really thought you were ending this," she breathes.

"So did I at first. I'm glad I saw your camera. I couldn't let you get away after pulling this little prank," I tease. I smile until she rests her forehead on my collar. "Aw, honey it's okay," I coo.

"I thought I fucked this all up," she whispers into me.

"No, of course not. You can't get rid of me if you tried."

Her little rapid breaths and bouncing of her shoulders tell me she's laughing. I pull out of the hug to get our rings back on, starting with hers.

"Let's get this back on," I smile, lovingly slipping her engagement ring on.

"It's like the day you proposed," she blushes.

"So long ago." I slip my ring back on and take her hands in mine as we talk.

"It wasn't that long ago."

"Feels like it."

"Sorry about the prank." Scar steps out of my reach to turn off the camera, following me further into the kitchen.

"It's okay. It was a good prank. Believable. Although, if I didn't see the camera, I have no idea how it would go."

"I wouldn't let us break up, don't worry."

"Good. But be prepared, Scarlett," I smirk, spinning around to lean back on the counter and pulling her body to mine.


"You've started something you might not be able to finish. Prank wars, baby." I slowly lock our lips as she processes my words.

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