Cast Group Chat #2

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Pt. 2 of the first cast group chat.


Lizzie Olsen: Woah what is going on??

Chris Evans: Callie are you okay?


Me: I think I need to resign. I don't think I can be Vertigo anymore.

Scarlett Johansson: Finally:)

Me: Wow. Fuck you. I'm done talking to you.

Me: As for the rest of you, I'm serious.

Chris Evans: Can you explain what's going on?

Me: Well... Um...

Me: I may... or may not... have texted the wrong group chat something...

Mark Ruffalo: I've been there before. But what'd you text and to who?

Me: Um... so I texted the group chat with my people, like my crew from makeup and all that...

Mark Ruffalo: Saying...?

Me: "Hey daddy"

Lizzie Olsen: What the fuck LMAO

Robert Downey: Do we even want to know who that was meant for?

Jeremy Renner: I want to. I have an idea though.

Lizzie Olsen: WAIT can we all try to guess who it is?

Me: Uh yeah I guess. Might be easier than me just saying it lol

Lizzie Olsen: Ummm okay. Seb?

Me: LMAO no.

Chris Hemsworth: I would've guessed Lizzie.

Me: Good guess, but no.

Jeremy Renner: How about Holland?

Me: No, I will always think of him as the young Peter Parker.

Chris Evans: I was going to say Lizzie as well.

Me: Man, why does everyone think it's Lizzie? HAHA sorry girl

Lizzie Olsen: It's okay haha

Lizzie Olsen: Sooo who was that text for?

Me: Y'all are so clueless sometimes.

Me: Who is the ONE other likely person you haven't guessed yet?

Lizzie Olsen: OMG.

Chris Hemsworth: Scarlett?


Jeremy Renner: I knew it. I'm good at this guessing game stuff, wow.

Robert Downey: So I guess that "quick peck on the lips" changed a lot, huh?

Scarlett Johansson: Just for her. I'm still trying to get her kicked off:)

Me: Fuck off Johansson. Stop acting like you don't joke around just as much.

Scarlett Johansson: I don't.

Me: Need proof?

Scarlett Johansson: No.

Me: Attachment: 1 Screenshot

Me: Proof that Scarlett Johansson messes around just as much.

Lizzie Olsen: I ship it.

Jeremy Renner: And you guys aren't together?

Scarlett Johansson: I'm straight.

Me: And I'm in love with Mark.

Mark Ruffalo: What?

Lizzie Olsen: WHAT

Scarlett Johansson: What?

Me: Oh sorry, I thought we were saying things so incredibly stupid that it's obviously not true. My bad.

Mark Ruffalo: Oh thank god.

Lizzie Olsen: That scared me so much.

Scarlett Johansson: Oh my god. I can't do this right now. Goodnight guys.

-The next morning-

Me: So good news, I'm not getting fired.

Scarlett Johansson: Damn.

Lizzie Olsen: Yay!

Jeremy Renner: Did you tell them who it was meant for?

Me: Sorta had to...

Scarlett Johansson: Oh jeez. What'd they say about it?

Me: They ship us, Scar. I think it's meant to be. And from that kiss the other day...

Me: I think you feel the same.

Separate chat with Scarlett.

Scarlett Johansson: Callie what're you doing?

Me: Wdym?

Scarlett Johansson: What are you doing? In the group chat.

Scarlett Johansson: And don't say "nothing".

Me: Fine. I'm just confessing... things...

Scarlett Johansson: What things?

Me: Ever notice I only flirt like this with you?

Scarlett Johansson: So what're you saying?

Me: Have you ever had a thing for someone you work with?

Scarlett Johansson: Yes, I have.

Scarlett Johansson: But I see what you're saying, no need to further explain.

Me: Yeah...

Main Group Chat.

-After work the next day-

Me: I don't think my crew likes me anymore lol

Lizzie Olsen: Bc of the whole daddy thing?

Me: Yeah lmao. I kept getting looks from them and when I was in makeup, my artist could barely look at me. Kinda funny tbh.

Scarlett Johansson: Well at least you didn't get fired.

Me: Oh yeah. I'm glad I can still bother you people.

Lizzie Olsen: Work wouldn't be the same without you.

Chris Evans: She's right, you're great here.

Me: AWEEE STAWP y'all are gonna make me cry.

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