NR - The Avengers Pt. 2

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-Tristan da Cunha-

In a small village in Tristan da Cunha, Saint Helena, I tend to my fire in the small fireplace in my tiny stone house. I place a log on the embers and gently blow on the sparks. The fire quickly grows. It's a colder night tonight so the fire feels good, especially because my stone house isn't insulated great. I stand back up and go to my kitchen to cook myself dinner. When I walk through the wooden kitchen door, my heart jumps a little.

"Agent Atwood," an old... friend... greets me.

"Since when did our interactions become so formal?" I ask with a small smirk.

"It's been a while. I didn't know if I had the right to call you anything else," Natasha Romanoff smiles.

"I'm making dinner. Want any?" I offer, walking past her sitting at my two-person kitchen table.

"I'm not here for that."

"No? Then why?"

"I need you to come in."

"How'd you find me?"

"S.H.E.I.L.D. never lost you."

I put the kettle on for my tea as I talk to her. "What's the issue then?"

"Global catastrophe."

"Well, that's quite the issue."

"We could really use your help, Callie."

"Clearly, or you wouldn't be here."

She slides her phone across the table and gestures at it. I take a step towards the table to look. "This is the Tesseract. It has the potential energy to wipe out the planet."

"Sounds dangerous." I turn away, going back to the rice and beans I have on the stove. "Look, I don't do that 'saving the world' stuff anymore. There's a reason I came here. I'm here to lay low, stay away from anything that could make me lose control. This..." I gesture at the picture on her phone. "Is a bit of a stressor. This is exactly what I'm trying to avoid."

"If there was another option, that's where I'd be. But Fury sent me to get you. He thinks your abilities will come in handy."

"Is that the only reason you're here?"

She breaks eye contact, looking down at her hands on the table. My food finishes cooking so I take it off the heat, creating two plates. I slide one to Natasha and sit myself down opposite of her at the small kitchen table. When the tea is done, I make two cups, of course.

"I told you I'm not here for dinner," she tries.

"It would be rude to waste food someone makes you," I smirk.

She gives in and accepts the food and drink from me. As we eat, the village dog strolls into my kitchen from the dog flap I made him. Natasha glances down at it then back to me. I run my fingers through the Australian Shepherd's long coat and look back to Natasha.

"Just admit it, Natasha, you missed me," I tease.

"I'm here for work," she replies sternly.

"Uh-huh," I smirk. "I'm sure they could've sent anyone. But you came."

"Fine. Say I did miss you. Would that make you come in?"

"Only if you were on your knees begging for me back," I jest.

"Just come in."

"Okay," I surrender slowly.

"Do you still have your suit?"

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