⚠️ NR - Toxic Relationship Pt. 2

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Warning: abuse

Help is at the bottom.
20 minutes since Callie left. A 15-minute drive from here to her and her boyfriend's house. She should have texted me by now. She always texts me as soon as she pulls up her driveway to let me know she made it home safely. The worry builds up quickly inside me and I can sense something's wrong. I make the ultimate decision to take a quick trip over to Cal's house so I quickly get ready and rush out the door. I pull into her driveway 15 minutes later.

I lift my arm to knock on the front door when I see it's already cracked open.

"Shit," I mumble to myself.

I slowly and carefully push the wooden door open just enough for me to get in. I hear nothing but silence, making me question if anyone's even home. I consider just closing the door and driving back to the compound but the muffled sounds of yelling make me change my mind.

I stand in the doorway trying to listen to what's going on. I can't make out what they're saying, only who's talking. Suddenly I hear Cal's soft voice followed by a loud smashing sound, which makes me jump a little. I try to process what I just heard but I get focused on Callie's voice again, this time, much louder.

"What the fuck?!" she screams.

"Yeah what the fuck just happened?" I whisper angrily to myself right before I hear Ryan's booming voice respond.

"You spend all your fucking time with them! I never see you! You aren't allowed to see them anymore. I'm done letting you spend your time with those people."

"He can't do that," I quietly hiss to myself in response.

I step more into their house, making sure to stay quiet. I notice Cal's bag and keys in a pile next to the door. Unusual for her because I know she's very organized and likes to hang up her keys on the hook on the wall and put her bag in her room.

I hear loud footsteps, a thump, then nothing, in that order. My chest feels tight like I know something's wrong, well more wrong than a boyfriend trying to control his girlfriend how Ryan controls Callie.

I sneak my way to the kitchen, where the voices sounded like they were coming from, and immediately my heart stops. The sight in front of me shatters my heart into a million pieces but makes my blood boil hotter than it's ever boiled before. Standing in front of me is Ryan pressing Cal up against the wall with a hand on her neck. She has her hands on his wrists, clearly trying to push his hand away and I can see the life leaving her as she continues to be cut off from oxygen. She starts to close her eyes and that snaps me out of staring at them.

I run up behind Ryan and, although he's taller than me, wrap my arm around his throat, putting him into one of the strongest chokeholds I've ever done. He's really strong, I'll admit it. He somehow manages to get me off his back while still holding Callie against the wall. He may be strong but I know my strength so I throw a mean punch to his side, causing him to crumble, and swing again at his face, making him fully release Callie and crash to the ground unconscious.

I don't care to find out if I even killed him or not, I rush over to Callie who's sitting on the floor against the wall, gasping for air and sobbing uncontrollably. She doesn't stay like this for long though because her eyes start to fall heavy and she sways back and forth, eventually collapsing to the side for me to catch her.

As I gain consciousness, my neck and face start to ache and burn. I groan as my eyes flutter open.

"She's awake," I hear a familiar male voice say but I can't really figure out who it is.

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