Vertigo Photoshoot

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Upbeat pop music plays around the set of Vertigo. Today should be fun. We have most of everyone in the movie here and the whole building is filled with cameras and more green-screen than normal. It's Vertigo photoshoot day. We have a lot of pictures to take, a lot of poses to try. I'm just happy to have a day off from acting. There's a lot going on all at once. We have people taking pictures all over the set, multiple at a time so we can get this done sooner. Not too long into the start, my AD calls me over to begin my personal photos.

Pose 1:
I stand with my feet shoulder-width apart, at an angle to the camera, holding out my right arm in front of me. My left arm rests down at my side, just behind me. I clench my jaw as tight as I can and raise my left eyebrow slightly. I'm wearing my full Vertigo bodysuit and my hair is extra wavy so it lays perfectly on my back, being sure to show off my strong jaw.

Pose 2:
Once again in my Vertigo suit, I stand up straight, directly in front of the camera. My left arm is crossed over my stomach and my right is bent, resting on top of my left. My palm faces up, my hand gently relaxed. My left eyebrow is ever so slightly raised and I have the tiniest smirk tugging at my lips as I stare directly at the camera.

Pose 3:
I crouch down, close to the floor, and extend my right leg out to the side of me, putting my weight on my left foot that's under me. I'm facing so the camera can see my whole body, including my leg out to the side. I curl my fingers slightly on both hands, stick my elbows out, and bring my hands close together in front of my chest, stopping when there's enough room for the editors to make a flowing ball of wisp in the empty space. I look to my right, just staring into the distance, and clench my jaw tightly.

Finally, or for now, I'm done with my main Vertigo solo poses. I have a few spare minutes before I have pictures with some coworkers that are critical in the Vertigo movie. I'm quite excited about these. Each picture is meaningful to the movie and characters in its own way and I'm pumped to physically create those connections.

Pose 4:
Leaving no distance between us, Mack and I stand directly in front of the camera. She puts her hands on my collarbones and leans her torso back just enough to get a good look at my face. I wrap my right arm around her waist, placing my hand on the opposite side of her lower back to support her. My left hand though is behind my back, hiding my palm that's facing up and fingers gently curled. We simply admire each other with small matching smiles.

Pose 5:
Lizzie and I position ourselves a few feet away from each other directly in front of the camera. We both stand with one leg in front of the other and reach our arms out in front of us, aiming at one another. We glare at each other and act like we're blasting each other, creating a magenta explosion after the edits.

Pose 6:
We stand side by side and face the camera. She stands on my right so with my right hand and her left hand, we bend our arms halfway with our palms to the sky. I turn my head to Liz standing next to me and she turns hers to me. We smirk at each other. Editing will show our two hands creating our two different colored wisps. My blue wisps and her red wisps will be shooting into the air, creating a beautiful stream of wisps that blend from our two colors to magenta above us.

Pose 7:
Both in our character suits, Scarlett positions herself behind me with her back to mine. We stand sideways to the camera. She holds her batons down at her sides. I hang my arms down at my sides as well, my fingers somewhat curled and my palm closest to the camera faces it. We both turn our heads over our shoulders to look towards the camera but look at the ground. We mask all emotions.

Pose 8:
We get up close to each other, leaving only a few inches between our bodies, and I place my hands softly on either side of Scarlett's jaw. My fingertips just run into her hair and she lovingly grips right below my wrists of both arms. We look down at the ground between us, dropping all emotions except an even mix of sorrow and adoration. Our foreheads press together firmly.

Pose 9:
Samuel L. Jackson and I stand face to face a foot away. He wears his classic "Nick Fury" outfit of black military boots with a long black trenchcoat and an eyepatch. I'm in my Vertigo bodysuit, of course. We cross our arms angrily across our ribs and look directly at the camera. He keeps his straight face but I allow a small smirk to form at the corner of my lips.

"These are going to come out amazing, Callie!" My director squeals like a child as he's going through the hard drive of every single photo that was taken today.

"I am so excited to see them when our editors get their hands on them." I look at the funny-looking pictures of my solo photos and our group photos without edits over my director's shoulder.

"Are you ready for the fans' reactions to them? I sure am," he chuckles, earning a smile from me.

"My favorite part." I smile at him before walking off to meet some of the cast and crew hanging out in the conference room.

Just like on the Avengers' set, I immediately find Scarlett and sit with her. Soon enough, my director struts in and presents the unedited versions of the photos to the rest of us so we can all freak out over them together.

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