Rose Pt. 2

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I wake to a sleeping Rose but no Callie. I tiredly roll out of bed, being careful not to wake up my daughter, and walk into the kitchen.

"Good morning, hun," Callie greets me without even looking at me.

"Good morning," I yawn. "What are you making?" I question her cooking.

"Pancakes. I'm going to make this one into the shape of Mickey Mouse for Rose," she smiles as she makes one larger pancake and two smaller ones.

"How did I get so lucky with you?" I rub her back and place a kiss on her cheek before rummaging through the fridge.

"A good taste in women, I guess."

"Well you certainly-" Before I can finish my sexual comment, my daughter comes walking in wrapped in her little pink blanket and gripping her big stuffed dog.

"Hi, Momma. Hi Miss Callie," she greets us with a big yawn, plopping herself down in the booth.

"Hey, Hunny. I made you a Mickey Mouse pancake," Callie smiles, skipping over to the booth and sliding the plate to my daughter.

Rose squeals in excitement at the adorable Disney-themed pancake that's even decorated as the character. Cal then hands me a plate of eggs and bacon to match hers and sits next to Rose at the table. We talk and laugh as we eat until Callie is called to work.

"Oh hey, I'm needed on set. Do whatever 'till I'm done." She gets up and kisses me and Rose on our heads before rushing out of her trailer.

"I like Miss Callie," Rose says when Cal leaves.

"I do too. What do you like about her?"

"She's nice to us and she plays with me. What do you like about her, Momma?"

"I like everything but especially that she loves you so much."

Rose smiles and looks back to her pancakes, which are almost gone.


"Okay, let's do this... again..." Logan sighs.

I take a deep breath and, attached to the harness, run and leap off of the platform which will be a helicopter. After doing this scene three other times, I finally stick the landing on my right knee and left hand. I stay in place, staring down at the ground and breathing heavily, as the camera pans around me.

"And scene! That was perfect!"

I tiredly stand up and get unhooked from the harness. I step off the set and straight to my chair where my girlfriend is holding out a bottle of water for me. I accept it and chug it.

"Long day?" She asks.

"Very. Where's Rose?"

"Uh. Um." She tries not to smile as she spins in the chair in an attempt to find Rose. "I- She's somewhere? She knows not to leave the building, touch anything, or go too far."

"Alright, as long as you're sure we don't have to send a search party out for her," I chuckle.

"She'll come running when she realizes you're done working," Scar smiles.

I smile back and lean over the chair to kiss her. A few minutes later, I feel strong little arms wrap around me from behind. I quickly rip my lips off of Scarlett's and whip around to a smiling Rose with her hands in the air. Granting her gesture, I lift her and sit her on my hip.

"Callie, you're needed by the cameras," Logan tells me as he walks past me.

I go to put Rose down but she tightens her grip so I'm physically unable to put her down.

"Honey, I got to go," I try.

"No," she complains, extending the 'o'.

"Okay then. We'll be back." I walk away from Scarlett with Rose still on my hip.

I admire the sight of Callie holding Rose as she works. It's one of my favorite things to look at. I watch Callie be led around as her producer, Jack, and Andrew talk to her. It makes it even better that she's still in her Vertigo suit.

"I think I would look better coming from here," I tell Andrew and point to a spot on today's set.

"Yeah, that could work. We'll look everything over and let you know what we decide. Thank you for your input."

I smile and walk back towards Scarlett who's staring at me and Rose. "What?" I ask her.

"Nothing," she smiles.

"Okay. Well, I'm all done for the day."


I lead my two favorite girls to my trailer and immediately put Rose down so I can get out of my suit. Of course, Scarlett joins me in my room, closing the door behind her. She takes my tiny zipper in her hand and slowly unzips my back, tracing her other hand's fingers down my back muscles as she does.

"I've been thinking," she starts as she's pushing my suit off my body.

"About what?" I turn my head to look at her over my shoulder.

"Let's tell her tonight at dinner." She pulls my body into her and places her hands on my bare stomach.

"That's big, are you absolutely sure?" I ask, resting my head back on her.

"One hundred percent."

I smile and spin in her arms, grabbing a hold of her face and pulling her into a sweet kiss. Her hands travel to my lower back to hold me close.

"Okay, I'm going to get changed before Rose gets separation anxiety and bursts in," I giggle when I pull away.

"Good idea." She double taps my ass with a smirk then leaves the room.


I take Scarlett and Rose out to eat rather than stay in the trailer. It's nothing too fancy but it's a step up because of the circumstances. For once, I sit next to Scarlett across from Rose. We enjoy some small talk as we look over the menu and wait for our food to come. My heart starts racing when I know it's getting closer to the time to tell Rose about her mom and me.

Soon enough, Scarlett rests a hand on my thigh under the table and looks to her daughter. "Rose, we have something we want to tell you," she starts.

Rose perks up and looks between us so to help out the confession, I grab Scar's hand from my thigh and put our hands on the table.

"Baby, Miss Callie and I are girlfriends," Scar explains. Rose stares at us for a moment until she works it out in her head and her adorable smile grows.

Rose's first question makes my heart skip a beat. "Is Miss Callie going to be my second momma?"

I don't think either of us knows how to answer. I look to Scarlett for the answer, mainly because the question was directed at her. Once again, my heart skips a beat at Scarlett's response.

"I hope so, hun."

"YAY!" Rose squeals, bouncing in her seat.

"Shh, we're still in a restaurant," Scar hushes her daughter.

Rose quiets down but continues to smile big and giggle to herself. I tighten my grip on my girlfriend's hand and continue dinner.


"I think dinner went really well," I mention to Scarlett as we're standing in my kitchen after putting Rose to bed.

"Me too. It was long overdue."

"I hope I can have the pleasure of calling you my wife someday."

"Sometimes, I already do," she smiles.

"I love you." I pull her into a hug which she returns.

"I love you more." She places a kiss on my neck before nuzzling into me.

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