⚠️ NR - Memories

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"Hey, Nat! Look at me," My voice tries to instruct through my laughter at my pissy redhead.

"What?" She rolls her eyes, tilts her head back in annoyance, and looks over at me.

"Oh my god!" she groans loudly and tries to grab my little video camera out of my hand, her palm covering the lens but I pull away quickly.

"Why are you always filming me anyway?" she asks with a little smirk.

"Because I can. Plus, what's more fun than watching old videos of us?"

"Being in the moment is more fun. Now put that damn camera away." She steps closer to the camera and pushes the lens down with her hand, the camera pressing into her stomach.


The video of us in my lap shuts off, showing just a black screen. I hover my thumb over the "next" button on my video camera, eventually pressing it.


"So I'm here on the Quinjet with my team, Earth's Mightiest Heros, the Avengers. You might be wondering who I am and why I'm here. Well, my name is Callie Atwood and I am Vertigo, one of the super cool, super badass Avengers." I hold the camera a little too close to my face, which you can barely see because I'm somewhere dark, and whisper into the video camera. "Today's mission is-"

"Atwood!" I'm cut off by Captain America's voice scolding me and my face averts from the camera.

"We talked about this, Callie. No filming on missions." The camera suddenly spins to show Steve standing in his "I'm in charge" stance.

He begins to walk over, uncrossing his arms. "Oh shit." I drop the camera's lens so it shows the floor and it shakes vigorously, showing flashes of the Quinjet and the fighters inside.

3 seconds of shaking and then the camera displays the rest of the team and my voice behind it. "Let's meet the crew."

I walk up to each of them one by one and introduce them, shoving the camera in their faces.

"Mr. Clint Barton. You may know him as Hawkeye. I just call him bird brain." He makes a silly face and waves a little.

"Dr. Bruce Banner. The Hulk. Big scary green dude on the outside, small little softy dude on the inside." Bruce awkwardly smiles.

"Thor, God of Thunder. But really, he should be called the God of Hammers." I only get a slight nod from him.

"Tony Stark. Stark Industries. Iron Man. A man with many names for himself. Not a bad thing though. He's still the same goofball, a million names or one." He blushes slightly and a huge smile fights to form.

"The Star-Spangled Man with a Plan. Our good friend, Ant-Man, gave him the nickname 'America's Ass' and I think it fits well here." He doesn't show emotion, just shakes his head but we all know he wants to smile.

"And last but very certainly not least, Miss Black Widow. Natasha Romanoff. My favorite Avenger, sorry boys. I love this woman." I zoom in slightly on her face. "I mean just look at her, who wouldn't, am I right?" Natasha blushes from the compliments but quickly gets annoyed with the camera all up in her face.

"Callie," she says, staring at me.

"Yes, dear?"

"Time to put the camera away."

"Yes, dear."


The tears roll down my face, one after another. The video stops on a freezeframe of my fiancé staring directly at the camera, a small smile tugging on her lips.


"Alright... We are all set up!" I declare happily, my face way too close to the camera but I back up to show Nat and I's bedroom all decorated with candles, red balloons, and rose petals leading to the bed where a small card sits.

"She should be here aaaany second now..." I run out of the frame and everything goes dark.

Right on cue, the sound of a door opens and my voice can be heard.

"Hey, baby. I missed you!" my voice exclaims.

"I missed you too... Why are the lights off?"

"I have a surprise. Come in, come in. But keep your eyes closed!"

Even though it's dark, the silhouettes of me and Nat can be seen.

"Okay, FRIDAY, lights on please," I instruct the UI.

When the lights come on, the camera shows me standing behind Natasha with my hands over her eyes, facing away from the camera.

"Ready?" I ask her.


I slowly slide my hands off her eyes and down her arms to her waist. As she scans the room, she brings her hands up to her mouth in shock.

"Oh my god," she mumbles through her hands.

"Do you like it?"

"Are you kidding? I love it!"

"This isn't it though. Come."

I take her hand gently and lead her in the pathway of rose petals to the bed, stopping just before it. She turns to the card on the bed.

"Read it," I quietly say.

As Nat picks up the little card in her hand to read it, my eyes dart to the camera and I smile. It takes her another 10 seconds to read the handwritten card. When she's finished, she drops her hands to her sides and looks up at me.


"Nat, you don't need to say anything. Let me do the talking."

She nods. I turn us so my secret camera can catch both of us in frame.

"Natalia, I have loved you since the first day I laid my eyes on you. I never believed in love at first sight until I met you. Your kiss gives me butterflies, your touch gives me goosebumps. When you hug me, I feel safe. When I'm with you, I'm home. You make me complete and I don't know where I would be without you and I never plan to find out. You are my angel. You are everything to me. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and more. I want to wake up to little kids running around with our dogs, just like we've talked about. I love you with everything in me..." I pull the black velvet ring box out of my back pocket and kneel down onto my right knee. "Natalia Romanoff... Will you marry me?"

She starts to cry quickly.

"Yes! YES Callie!" She drags me off my knee, pulling me into a tight hug and a hard, passionate kiss.

When she finally lets me pull away, I slide her engagement band on her left ring finger. She immediately pulls me into another tight hug.

"I love you so much Callie."

"I love you more."

I carefully pull out of the hug to reveal the hidden camera. She obviously isn't mad because I captured one of the greatest moments of our lives on camera. I pick up the camera, pecking her cheek right before clicking it off.


I can't stop the sobs anymore. They come streaming down, hard. I stare at the freezeframe of my lips on Nat's cheek with a big smile on her face and everything feels numb. I'm crying so hard that I don't hear the door to my room open and someone walk in.

"Callie?" I hear Clint's voice.

"What's going on? What're you doing?" He sits on the bed next to me and doesn't have to question me further when he sees my video camera sitting in my hands.

"Oh, Callie... Come here..." He wraps his arms tightly around me, letting me sob uncontrollably into his chest until I'm calm enough.

"I miss her..." I squeak, twisting my engagement band on my finger.

"I do too," he whispers, kissing my head, letting a tear fall of his own.

Scarlett Johansson | One-Shots (1)Where stories live. Discover now