🔞 NR - Mine Pt. 1

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Warning: Callie g!p
"You're stunning, love," I flirt with my long-term girlfriend when she's at the desk putting on her makeup.

Her smile grows big enough to expose her pearly whites. My heart skips a beat.

"I can feel you blushing," Nat calls me out without looking at me.

"It's your smile. It's your outfit. It's just you."

She glances over at me, scans my body, then looks back to the circular mirror on the desk. "Good choice of suit."

I blush harder. "Almost ready?"

"Juuust about." With a smile, she gets up and we walk together to Tony's party.

Her hand is wrapped around the bicep of my bent arm. We get drinks first, of course. What's a party without some drinking? With Nat's cosmopolitan and my dirty martini, we find a small group to mingle with. A group that consists of Clint, Thor, Bucky, and Maria. They're in the middle of a conversation.

"You're not that mighty," Clint giggles.

"I am the God of Thunder!"

"God of Hammers," I accidentally mumble a little too loudly.

Thor whips his head to me. "Excuse me, m'lady."

"Sorry, it just slipped out," I chuckle. The group's smiles grow. "It's just... you're so in love with that hammer. Is it your soulmate?"

"Mjolnir is-" Thor starts but I cut him off.

"Your soulmate."

"I am the only one able to weild Mjolnir!"

"I- No, that's not true," I laugh.

"Remember when you had a breakdown and sobbed over not being able to lift it? Yeah, me too," Clint comes in.

"I don't see you lifting it," Thor pouts angrily. "Neither of you!"

"Thor, may I try?" I smirk.

"Yes." He holds his hammer out by its handle.

The group watches me as I go to take the hammer from him. I grab it with ease and fiddle with it.

"You're not so mighty," I tease, tossing the hammer in the air and catching it. "Can I rule Asgard now?"

"Give it to me," Thor instructs. I laugh as I hand it back to him.

"Hey, I'll be right back," Nat says in my ear then walks away. I continue talking with the group.

At the bar, I order myself another drink but before I can return to my group, a woman approaches me. A woman I've never met before.

"Hey," she smiles.


"You're beautiful, can I steal a moment of your time?"

"Wow, you're straightforward," I chuckle.

"Well, I wouldn't want to miss a chance."

"Fair enough."

The woman steps up to me and discretely scans my body as she does.

Out of instinct, I check on Natasha during my group's conversation. What I see is not what I was expecting. I don't like it. I tune in on their interaction and I'm able to pick up some of their conversation with my enhanced hearing. I don't like what I hear either. A strange woman flirting with Natasha. My Natasha.

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