🔞 NR - Daddy Nat

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I'm in an extra good mood today and as I'm strolling through the compound, I come across my favorite person in the whole world. "Hey, babe!" I squeal as I'm running up to Natasha. I jump into her arms, wrapping my legs around her waist and my arms around her neck. "What's wrong?" I immediately ask when I notice she isn't touching me back, just standing in place with her arms at her sides.

"Nothing," she says strictly but calmly.

I pout and hop off of her. "Fine, I'll just go bother Wanda then," I smirk at her as I'm turning to find my second favorite person in the whole world.


After a while of hanging out with Wanda, I finally want to try again with Nat. I eventually find her working alone in the conference room. "Hey baby," I greet her, coming behind her chair and wrapping my arms around her chest.


Confused again, I slowly unwrap myself from my girlfriend. "So nothing's wrong but you won't even say hi? Okay." I walk straight out to find some food to snack on since it's only the middle of the day.

"What's up with you?" Clint questions me hanging upside down over the side of one of the living room couches.

"Nat's in a mood."

"Really? She seemed fine to me."

I turn my face to him and slowly sit up. "You're kidding," I groan. "Not this again."


"I don't think you wanna know, Clint."

"Oh boy."

"Just one piece of advice. Maybe don't be here tonight."

"Why? Are you guys gonna fight or something?"

"Uh, yeah. Something like that." I quickly walk out of the room to find Nat again.

This time, I find her at the shooting range. As much as I love watching my girl with a gun, I feel the need to bother her, now that I know what she's doing. "Hi my love," I greet her when she finally finishes. She just walks past me. I follow her shortly after.

"Honey, you can't ignore me forever," I tease but she continues to walk away. I think she's just trying to get away from me because we've been pretty much walking in circles this whole time. I finally stop dead in my tracks and let her disappear. I smirk to myself.


I walk into dinner to the rest of the crew already collecting their food and taking their seats. They each greet me as I come in and I smile kindly at them. I make my own plate of food and take my rightful seat next to my girl. "Hey, babygirl," I whisper to her. She just turns her attention away from me to Clint who started a conversation across the table.

I sigh under my breath but join in on the chatter anyway. "Nat, can you pass the salt?" I manage to ask through some laughter, grabbing her thigh to get her attention. Somehow, she manages to continue to avoid eye contact but she does pass me the salt. "Thanks, daddy," I mumble to her.

That did it. I watch her breathing hitch ever so slightly and two seconds later, she slowly puts down her silverware. "Dinner was great. Thank you for cooking tonight Wanda. I have some work I'm behind on." She calmly stands up and for the first time today initiates eye contact with me before leaving the kitchen.

I wait a few seconds before following her out. The door to our room isn't even closed fully when my back is slammed onto it. Nat smashes her lips to mine and immediately shoves her tongue down my throat. She takes no time to drag me by my shirt's collar to the bed and throw me down, ripping off all our clothes as she does. I open my legs for her so she crawls between them, licking up my body as she does. The feeling of her tongue running up the center of my body sends shivers through me. I let out a groan and lean my head back. Nat takes my open neck opportunity and connects her warm lips to my skin, kissing, sucking, and biting to leave dark hickeys all over.

My hands explore her bare body as she grabs and toys with my tits, earning louder hums from me. When she decides she's done with my chest, one of her hands walks its fingers down the center of my body, stopping on my gut to ask for permission. I give it by frantically nodding and roughly pulling her lips into mine. Smiles can be felt between the kissing but mine is quickly cut off by her slamming her fingers into me. My mouth gapes open and I close my eyes. She pumps hard and fast. It's hard to even hold onto her body anymore. I can feel my body go weak as the pleasure already takes over.

My body rocks aggressively underneath her as she fucks me, curling to hit my g-spot and rubbing my clit. The longer she goes, the more my legs shake and the closer I get to releasing all over her. I know she can feel how close I am because the next time she goes in, she shoves her fingers knuckle deep as hard as she can. This sends me right over the edge and I lose control of my body. I cum all over her hand following a scream into her mouth.

"Well that was worth you being moody with me all day," I breathe after we finish.

"I quite enjoyed that. You should call me that more often."

"Call you what? Daddy? Because I gladly will if this is what I get for it."

"Yeah," she whispers, rolling back on top of me and starting another round. We go for many rounds and end a bit after midnight, falling asleep quickly.

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