NR - Cheated On Pt. 2

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My eyes flutter open and my head is resting on someone's chest. For a moment, I'm confused. I think it's Natasha but sudden thoughts of yesterday fill my head. Who am I lying on?

"You're up," Carol's voice greets me.

New thoughts fill my head now.

"Hey," I smile up at her.

"Sleep well?"

"The best in a long time."

"I'm glad. Let's go grab breakfast. I'm starving and a little hungover," she giggles.

"Sounds great."

We roll out of bed together, smiling and leaning on each other the whole time. After grabbing our food, we plop down at the table together, sitting extra close. A few minutes later, I look up from my meal to my ex-girlfriend, Natasha, walking into the kitchen. She opens her mouth to greet me, I guess, but instead, I cut her off by placing my hand in Carol's on the table. Nat's eyes bounce to our hands before she spins on her heels out of the room.

"Someone's jealous," Carol comments.

"She doesn't even have the right to be. She's the one who fucked Wanda when I was risking my life for her."

"What a bitch."

"Yeah, it was fucked up."

"So was this little move just to get under her skin?" She lifts our interlocked fingers to gesture to us holding hands.

"Yes and no," I blush lightly.

"What's the no part of that?"

"I guess you'll never know," I smirk.

With my final words, I get up from the table. Carol follows me into the living room where we cuddle up on the couch to watch a movie.

"Hey, I'll be right back," I tell her, quickly scrambling up to run to my room.

I'm barely in my room for two minutes when there's a knock on my door.

"Can we talk?"

I almost laugh. "No."

Unfortunately, she comes in anyway.

"Natasha, I said no."


"Fine. You have one minute then I'm going back to Carol. What do you want?" I cross my arms as we face each other.

"I fucked up. I'm sorry. I really miss you."

"You're full of shit," I deadpan.

"I'm not. I'm so sorry."

"Sucks to be you."

Nat scoffs, seemingly getting pissed that I'm not giving her what she wants: me. "Is it so hard to just move past this and start over?"

"Yes!" I start to yell.


"Because while I was out risking my life for you," I spit, stepping up to her and poking her chest with great force for enthusiasm. "You were here, fucking my best friend!" I step out of her face and slowly back up. "So if you can't understand why I'm unable to forgive you, you're more fucked up than I thought!"

Finally, Nat snaps. "At least she treats me like I'm somebody!"

I rub down my jaw out of stress as I try to calm my nerves. "Okay, but would she love you if you were nobody?"

"Nobody loved me when I was nobody." She looks away from me.

I scoff. "I did!" Nat looks back up at me. "Before the Avengers and before the fame. Before the lie. To me, you were a somebody, Natasha. But now...? Now you're nothing. Nothing but a fake, a sham. You're a joke," I seethe with tears in my eyes.

"I'm sorry, okay?" Nat tries.

"Get out, Natasha."

"Cal, come on. That's not fair."

"Out!" I demand, pointing angrily at my door so she gets the hint.

Natasha stands still, her eyes bouncing between mine, fighting to not look anywhere else. The longer she stays, the harder it is. Yes, she fucked my best friend. Yes, she broke my heart, shattered it into a million pieces for me to pick up one day when I have the strength. But here she is, standing a few feet away in my room and something inside of me just wants to wrap my arms around her neck and tell her we'll be okay. I have to push past the craving of her body against mine, the way her lips locked perfectly with mine.


"Please, go," I squeak, backing away from her.

She lets out a sad breath, both of us taking in the feeling of being in the same bedroom for the last time, before turning on her heels and leaving my room. The second I'm alone, I break down. I knew it was over before this but this fight finalized our breakup, making it real.

-3 months later-

It's been a long, rough road of getting over Natasha. It doesn't help that I have to see her every day for work. Carol and I have been getting closer through the months. I've been scared to become official with her and since Nat, I've closed off any romantic feelings for anyone. I can tell Nat is going above and beyond to be nice to me or win me back. Unfortunately, love doesn't just go away.

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