🔞 Shag Carpet

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For the past few months, I've been filming for an unnamed movie (it only has one of those "titles-we-release-until-we-figure-out-the-real-one".) I love this movie, it's a perfect fit for me. To sum it up, it's a gay rom-com with one of the best casts I've ever been on. Anyway, my wife is also filming for a movie, Rough Night. The only good thing about both of us working on separate films is that we're both filming in the same state, New York. We're about a half-hour away from each other, I'm in Manhattan and Scarlett's in Mount Vernon.

"Okay, let's do this final scene one time. I wanna go home!" our director shouts (in a joking manner) to the few of us who are still here for this scene. Those people include me, in case you didn't know.

I step onto the set and realize what scene this is. My character, Christina, has to have an... intense moment with Hailee Steinfeld's character, Jessica. It takes a while for us to finally perfect it because Hailee and I cannot stop laughing. When our lips touch, the longest we can stay in character like that is a few seconds before one of us breaks and laughs.

Stepping off of the set for the day, Hailee and I walk together towards my car. Instead of my trailer, I meet my wife at our rented house every day because we're so close. And yes, we rented a whole house rather than a hotel room because, well, we both work for months on end and why get a hotel room and have to be quiet when we could rent a house and not worry about it? If you know what I mean.

Anyway, Hailee is apparently off to an early dinner with her friends and since I'm going to see Scarlett, Hailee and I walk to our cars together, as good friends do.

"I'll see you tomorrow, then," I say when we finally have to part ways.

"See ya," she grins.

And with that, I'm off to see my wife.


I arrive at the house and see Scarlett's car already in the driveway. I quickly shut off my car and rush inside. No time to waste. I find her in the kitchen rummaging through the fridge. When she hears the front door open and close, she looks at me with a smirk.

"Hey, honey," I greet her, already on my way to wrap my arms around her.

"You know," she starts, shutting the fridge door. I already have butterflies in my stomach. "There wasn't a single thing to eat in this house until you walked in."

The butterflies erupt. "Dinner is served," I smirk.

She grabs me by the waist and pulls me close. Our lips lock. Before either of us can produce a happy hum, she pulls away. I look at her, confused. "What's wrong?" I ask.

"Your lips."

"Sorry, my lips? What's wrong with my lips?"

"They taste like strawberries."

Now I understand. I smile. "Oh, yeah," I chuckle. "Um. Well, that would be Hailee's lip gloss."

Scarlett's eyebrows raise. "Oh yeah?"

I grimace. "Yeah," I blush. "An intense scene."

Scarlett's facial expression is switched back to a smirk. "I wish I knew why you're always cast as roles where you have to kiss people."

"I guess everyone just wants a chance to kiss me," I tease.

"Well, lucky me, you're mine."

Finally, she pulls me back into her. We resume our kissing until it turns into a make-out. With my hands on the sides of her jaw and hers on my waist, she backs me up until I hit the marble kitchen counter. Her hands slip under my shirt, her warm hands exploring my stomach. Her fingers trace my abs while my hand slides up the back of her neck to tangle in her short hair and pull her impossibly closer. Her hands flat on my stomach push me harder against the counter to the point where I consider just sitting on the counter.

Scarlett Johansson | One-Shots (1)Where stories live. Discover now