Sick Day

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request: JackieGarcia491 ———————————————————————Callie:For once, I wake up after Scarlett for work

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request: JackieGarcia491
For once, I wake up after Scarlett for work. Usually, I'm up and at 'em before most of my friends and coworkers. So when I open my eyes for the first time in the morning and don't see Scarlett asleep next to me, I'm instantly confused.

"I was starting to think you died in your sleep."

I lift my head from my pillow to Scarlett walking out of our bathroom in nothing but a towel. I sit up on one arm and rub my eyes. "Sorry, I don't know how I slept in."

"That's okay. Are you alright?"

"Yeah, just feeling off."

"Okay, well we have to leave in thirty. Will you be ready?"


My head spins as I gradually climb out of bed. I wince slightly but not enough for Scarlett to notice. She leaves me to get ready while she does her morning routine downstairs. I don't know what exactly is wrong this morning but my head is foggy and my body feels weak. I push past that though and focus all my energy on taking a short shower and leaving the house for work.

Today is a big day on the Marvel set. I have separate scenes with a few of my coworkers and Scarlett has her own filming to do in one of the many, many set buildings here. At set, Scarlett and I part ways with a kiss. I head into my building and join Mack and the man that plays Camden Bynes in Vertigo, William Arter.

"You doin' alright?" Will asks in his New Zealand accent when I've joined him by the snack bar.

"Yeah, just feeling weird," I tell him. "Why do you ask?"

"You look pale."

"Oh. Well, I'm sure I'll be fine. Thank you."

We're then called onto set to begin today's shooting. Will puts on his perfect American accent while we shoot. All through filming, my head spins and my lightheadedness increases. I do what I can to push past that and keep going.

By the end of my workday, I'm more than exhausted. I consider just getting an Uber home or riding with one of my coworkers, but I learned from a crew member that Scarlett should only have one more scene to do for the day. My ultimate decision is to wait for her. I make it to her chair behind scenes.

I don't know how long I sat there for but eventually, I pass out.

"Have a good rest of your day!" Anthony Russo waves the clipboard he was holding at us as we're filing off set.

Getting back to my chair, I'm surprised to see my wife sprawled across it, passed out completely. I think back to this morning when she woke up much later than usual and seemed to have trouble getting out of bed. Out of instinct, I touch the back of my hand to her forehead. Feeling her burning skin, I sigh lightly.

"We gotta go home," I whisper in her ear.

"Home sounds good," she groans softly, letting me lead her to the car.


"Go lay down," I tell her, sending her to our room.

Callie obliges, trudging tiredly to our room upstairs, rubbing her temples the whole way. I take some time to make hot tea with honey and a can of chicken noodle soup. Making two bowls of soup and two mugs of hot tea, I join Callie in the bedroom with the meals on a tray. She's already curled in a ball, snuggled in blankets.

"Tea and soup?" I ask softly, bringing the tray over to her side of the bed.

Callie rolls to her back and sits up. She rubs her head while I place the tray on her lap. She smiles up at me. I bend down to kiss her head. I join her on the bed, sitting cross-legged next to her. I wait until Cal picks up her spoon and starts sipping lightly on a spoonful of soup before I start eating too.

"Mmm, my favorite," she hums happily.

"I'm thinking you should call Andrew or Jack to tell them you aren't coming in tomorrow."

"Yeah. I'll do that later."

"Better sooner rather than later."

"I know."

"Do you need anything? How are you feeling?"

She takes another spoonful of soup. "Um, I have a headache."

"Want something for it?"

"I should have some Advil in here." She leans over to the bedside table and opens a drawer. She digs through it, nicknacks shuffling under her hand. Then she leans back up empty-handed. "Guess not."

"I'll grab some downstairs, hun."

"No, it's okay." She starts to move the tray from her lap. "I'll grab it."

I put a hand on the tray to keep it in place. "Nuh-uh. You stay. Rest your body."

I climb out of bed, leaving my mug and bowl on the other bedside table on my side. I run downstairs and dig through our kitchen cabinets until I find a half-empty bottle of Advil. I bring it back upstairs with me.

"Package is secure," I joke, holding up the bottle to my sleepy wife.

"Thank you." She accepts the bottle, opens it, and takes her Advil.

We enjoy a comfortable silence as we finish our soup. When we do, I bring our bowls downstairs and leave them in the sink to do later. When I get back to the room, Callie is sipping on her tea. I watch the relief in her eyes as the hot tea soothes her throat.

She puts down her mug on the table and pulls out her phone. I watch her pull up her producer's number and shoot a simple text to him about her not being able to come to work tomorrow due to being sick.

"God, I'm exhausted," she groans, putting her phone down and rolling to her side. Her eyes instantly close.

"I'll join you in a bit," I tell her.

She hums in acknowledgment. With that, I turn off the lights, close the blinds, and leave the room. I head downstairs. I do the dishes, straighten up where the house needs, then go back upstairs when I'm satisfied. Callie is fast asleep by the time I'm back. She's towards the middle of the bed, so I climb behind her and hold her close, letting myself fall asleep after pressing a kiss to the back of her shoulder.

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