The Dog

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———————————————————————Scarlett:"I'll see you at home," I tell my wife as we're parting ways from our meeting

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"I'll see you at home," I tell my wife as we're parting ways from our meeting.

We drove separately since we came from different things but this meeting was important and we both had to be there.

"Yup." She pecks my cheek before scurrying off to our Rolls for me to start the walk to our Alfa Romeo.

I walk slowly, not really in a rush to get home. I keep my head down so I don't attract too much attention to myself. Being the observant person I am, I naturally scan around me as I walk the streets of LA. I'm turning the corner to the parking lot where my car is when I casually glance into an alleyway. I advert my eyes, not seeing anything interesting at first, but stop dead in my tracks when my peripheral vision picks up some movement. I spin on my heels and cautiously peek into the alley. Looking all around me and seeing no one, I slowly make my way into the alley.

"Oh my..." I say to myself when I step up to a small puppy curled in a ball next to a dumpster.

I know I shouldn't but I kneel next to the poor thing. Instantly, I check for a collar but when I don't see one, my heart drops.

"Poor baby," I coo as it lets me carefully pet its adorable little head. "Do you have a home?" I ask it. I think for a moment. "Callie's going to kill me," I lightly chuckle when I make up my mind.

The pit bull puppy lets me pick it up. I carefully bring it to my car. I find one of my hoodies in the back and lay it on the passenger seat, putting the dog on it. Ready for Callie's angry speech when I get there, I bring it to our home.

As I'm opening the front door, I peek inside. When I don't see Callie, I tiptoe inside and straight upstairs to our room. I know she's home somewhere, the Rolls was in the garage.

"Scar, is that you?" I hear Callie calling me from downstairs.

"Shit," I panic. "I-Yeah, honey!" I call back. I turn back to the puppy. "Okay, stay here. Be right back," I tell it, laying it on the carpet and rushing to the door.

I carefully rip open the door. I step backward out the door and when I turn around, my heart jumps. Callie's standing inches away from me.

"Well, hi," she greets me.

"Hi baby," I smile, pecking her lips.

"You're in a rush," she giggles.

"No, no rush."

"Uh-huh. Well, I'm about to grab dinner." She goes to open the bedroom door but I quickly step in front of her, blocking her way.

"That's alright. We have stuff here," I try.

She furrows her eyebrows at me. "Scarlett..."

"Mhm," I choke.

"What're you doing?"

Scarlett Johansson | One-Shots (1)Where stories live. Discover now