NR - Civil War Pt. 1

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Alongside my girlfriend, I run through the crowded streets of Lagos, Nigeria. We're chasing mercenaries who are trying to steal a biological weapon.

"He doesn't have it. I'm empty," Sam tells us through his coms about the men he's chasing.

Nat and I continue sprinting through the people.

"Out of the way!" Nat screams at the civilians so they don't get hurt.

"Nat, get down!" I call out to her.

Without question, she ducks and I fling myself over a table, the bottom of my feet slamming into one of the mercenaries. As I'm fighting off this guy, I watch another go after Nat. We both go at it with our own enemies. I strike the man in his jaw and he stumbles back. I roll backward and we end up face to face. He points his gun at me and I generate my wisps.

"Drop it. Or I'll drop this. Drop it!" I turn to see Nat and the man she was fighting facing each other and pointing weapons at each other.

Nat and I exchange looks. I discretely shake my head but I can tell Nat is about to drop her weapon. Just when I think I'm going to be forced to surrender, Sam's device shows up, shooting the man holding the vial out in front of him. In the moment of distraction, Nat shoots the other man and I tuck and roll, catching the vial right before it hits the ground.

"Payload secure. Thanks, Sam," we both say.

"Don't thank me," he responds.

"I'm... not thanking that thing," Nat argues.

"His name is Redwing."

"I'm still not thanking it." I can see a small smile on Nat's lips.

"He's cute. Go ahead, pet him."

Face to face with Rumlow, I do my best to get the upper hand in our hand-to-hand combat. It's not working that well. Rumlow manages to pin me against a wall, extending a blade from one of his gauntlets.

"This is for dropping a building on my face," he hisses.

Before he has the chance to make his move, I grab his arm and rip his gauntlet off, only for him to reveal another knife. But I best him, getting rid of his knife and bringing Rumlow to his knees, defeated. Now that I finally have the upper hand, Rumlow removes his helmet, revealing a horribly scarred face.

"I think I look pretty good, all things considered," he starts.

"Who's your buyer," I ask.

"You know, he knew you. Your pal, your buddy, your Bucky."

"What did you say?"

"He remembered you. I was there. He got all weepy about it. 'Till they put his brain back in a blender. He wanted you to know something. He said to me, 'Please tell Rogers. When you gotta go, you gotta go'. And you're coming with me."

I look at him with anger and confusion. Suddenly, he activates his bomb vest, causing me to flinch as his armor ignites. Luckily, Wanda appears next to me with her abilities. She's able to contain his blast around him. Rumlow screams out in agony as the blast surrounds him. Wanda then lifts him in the air and the explosion finally blossoms, devastating entire floors of the office building. Wanda looks up at it in pure shock and fear.

"Oh my..." I start as I stare at the burning building. "Sam... We need... Fire and Rescue... on the south side of the building. We gotta get up there."

-New York-

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