NR - The Spider

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———————————————————————Callie:In the training room, I train with Scott by sparring and making fun of him for pulling his punches

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In the training room, I train with Scott by sparring and making fun of him for pulling his punches. He throws a punch that strikes me hard enough for me to stumble back. Out of frustration, I use my abilities to yank his left foot out from under him, causing him to fall flat on his back.

"Wow, that's cheating," he breathes as he lays on the ground.

"Wow, you suck at fighting either way," I laugh.

"Come on, I got a few good hits in."

"Yeah sorta-" I stop mid-sentence when I hear a distant sound.


"Shut up," I interrupt Scott, holding a finger up. I listen to the silence until I hear the sound again.

"CALLIE!" My fiancé's voice screaming my name from across the compound makes my heart pound.

"Natasha?" I sprint out of the training room, leaving Scott laying on the ground.

"CALLIE HELP!" Nat screams again. I follow her cries for help, already generating my wisps in preparation.


I burst through the door of Natasha and I's room and create a powerful wisp ball between my hands. "Natasha?! What's wrong?" I ask as I scan the room, ready to blast someone.

"THERE'S A FUCKING SPIDER!" She screams from the top of the desk.

I drop my hands and let my wisps fade into the air. I do everything I can not to smile but I accidentally let the corner of my lips curl.

"Callie, do not fucking laugh!"

"No, I'm sorry. I'm not laughing," I lightly chuckle, forcing back my smile. "Where is this spider?"

She points below the desk she's sitting on. I look and see a decent-sized spider just sitting on the floor. It's not too big but it's not small. I lift my eyebrows and look back at Nat.

"Well? Can you fucking kill it?" She urges.

I take one step closer to get a better view of the insect. "It's kinda cute."

"You're kidding."

"No, seriously. It's eight little legs. He's just chilling. He isn't doing any harm. Maybe he wants to be friends."


"Yeah?" I look back at Nat again.

"If you don't kill it-"

"You know, I saw this thing somewhere about spiders," I interrupt her death threat. "They kill other little bugs for you. It really got me thinking. What if, and hear me out, he lives here and kills these bugs, thinking he's your friend because he's doing you a favor. But now you're hiding from him and he's sad because he was under the impression you guys were friends. And now you're asking me to kill him right in front of him. Imagine how hurt he must be."

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