NR - Deja Vu

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"Holy crap! That was so crazy!" I squeal as my girlfriend and I walk back into the compound together. We just got home from our date night.

"I know! But our night isn't over yet. We still have the movie!" Natasha giggles.

"Oh, you're so right!"

"I'll meet you in the living room. I gotta grab some blankets." She pecks my lips before walking away.

I smile to myself the whole time as I'm setting up the movie. I reflect on our night so far and think about all the fun things we already did and how we're not even done yet. What a great date night. I collapse on the couch and get lost in thought.

"So when you gonna tell her?" A voice from behind my couch makes me jump up.

"What?" I breathe, recovering from the scare.

"That we did that too," Wanda says, stepping into the room.

"That's in the past."

"She thinks it's special, but it's all reused." She comes around and stands in front of me on the couch.

"It is special. Special because it's with her."

"That bar was our place. We found it first."

"No, it's not our place."

"I literally made all those jokes you tell to her."

"No Wanda, you didn't. But what is your point?"

With arms full of blankets to cuddle in, I happily skip to the living room to Callie but I stop dead in my tracks.

"Do you get deja vu when she's with you?" Wanda's voice asks. I stand against the wall, out of sight, and listen.

"Do you call her and almost say my name? I mean, we do kinda sound the same. Another Avenger. I hate to think that I was just your type." I can practically hear that stupid smirk on Wanda's face. "You know, I bet she knows Billy Joel 'cause you played her 'Uptown Girl' and you sing it together and you even tell her how much you love her in between the chorus and the verse."

I lean my head back on the wall. I'm trying so hard not to get upset at this but how else would she know little things like that if Callie didn't already to them with Wanda?

"That show you guys watch, yeah we talked about it. I played you the songs she sings with you," Wanda continues. Callie hasn't said a word. Part of me wants to say something but at the same time, I don't. Not yet at least.

"Don't act like we didn't do that shit too, Callie. You're trading hoodies like we used to. You play her the piano but she doesn't know that I was the one who taught you Billy Joel. A different girl now but there's nothing new. I know you get deja vu." Finally, Wanda finishes her painful speech. There's a bit of silence and it's concerning since I can't see what's going on.

I'm considering whether I want to walk away or walk into the room when Callie starts. "Jesus Wanda! Are you really so obsessed with me that you feel the need to come up to me after my date with Nat to ask if I get deja vu? Because guess what? I don't! I don't think about you when I'm with Natasha. Not everything revolves around you, Wanda. We had our fun but that was months ago and we didn't work out. Plain and simple. But now I've moved on. So should you. I love Nat. I'm in love with her. You should go."

I smile like an idiot at Cal's words. Seconds later, Wanda walks out of the living room, passing me standing next to the door. She glares at me as she goes by. The audacity. When Wanda's out of my vicinity, I strut my way into the living room, tossing the blankets onto a couch, and immediately straddling Callie's lap.

"Oh hey Nat," she chuckles. "What're you-" I don't let her finish, just cup her face and press our lips together. I can't stop my smile from forming between the kissing. "What was that all about?" Cal asks when I let us pull away after long minutes of slow kissing.

"I'm in love with you too. Thank you for choosing me." I kiss her forehead with a big smile.

Her cheeks grow a soft rose. "Shit, you heard that?"

"Was it not true?"

"No, it was. I just didn't imagine telling you how in love with you I am like this."

"Well, what's a better time than when you're telling your ex to fuck off?"

"I could list a bunch but if it makes you happy, so be it." She pulls me back in for a quick kiss before we start our movie. We decided on the 1994 version of The Lion King. It felt like a Disney kind of night.

I lay with my back to her between her legs, my head resting back on her collar. Under the blankets that are gently draped over us, her arms are wrapped protectively around my waist, holding me into her. Her fingers softly trace along my ab muscles while I lightly drag my nails up and down her arms. Every now and then, Cal will lean down and kiss any part of my body she can reach with her lips. And every now and then, I'll turn my head up to her to steal a not-so-quick kiss.

"Tonight was amazing. I hope our free days line up like this again soon," Cal says to me as we're getting ready for bed for the night a few hours after the movie ended. I'm staying in Callie's room tonight instead of my own. We usually spend the night together on date nights, it's a nice tradition we made.

"Me too babe. I loved it. Thank you for taking me out. I love you so much."

"I love you too." She drags me into her bed and we make out for a while before eventually falling asleep together. A perfect way to end a perfect night.

Inspiration: deja vu by Olivia Rodrigo

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