⚠️ NR - Taken Back Pt. 1

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Warning: angst, torture

Warning: angst, torture

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My wife and I are on a peaceful walk home through Central Park, just enjoying the evening together. We had a nice date night and this walk is wrapping it up.

"Hey, I'm going to run in here really quick for the bathroom. I'll be right back," Natasha tells me as she pulls us to a stop outside a small coffee shop. We're about a mile and a half from the house so I don't blame her for wanting to stop.

"Okay, I'll wait out here."

She runs inside, leaving me alone in front of the shop to scroll through my phone to pass time. The area we're in is dark now that the sun went down a few minutes ago and there isn't anyone around. It's peaceful to listen to the nighttime city sounds.

My peace is quickly cut short when there's suddenly an arm being wrapped around my stomach from behind and a rag is over my mouth. Seconds later, everything goes black.

I happily skip out of the coffee shop. "Okay, all done. Ready to-" I cut my sentence short when I notice Callie isn't where I left her.

I spin around but see no sign of her. I whip out my phone and call her but quiet vibrations from the ground cause me to hang up. My wife's phone lays on the ground with a crack through the screen, like it was dropped. A bad feeling immediately washes over me. I pick up her phone and sprint to our house, locking all the windows and doors when I get there.

I run through every possible reason she could be gone and the only one that makes sense is the worst. Having no other option, I call up a close friend and ex-coworker.

"Nat, hey. Is everything okay?" Steve Rogers asks immediately. I don't ever call the Avengers unless something is wrong, and that's rare.

"Steve, I think Callie's in trouble."

"In trouble? How so?"

"I think Hydra got her."

"Nat, are you sure? It's been years..."

"There's no other reason she would disappear like this. One second we were together, the next she's not and her phone is on the sidewalk."

"Okay, okay. Calm down. I'll get the team together. We'll find her."

I drive to the compound as fast as I can. I'm immediately greeted by FRIDAY but I ignore her and head to the conference room where the rest of the team is waiting for me.

My eyes flutter open to a dimly lit room. I try to move my limbs but I can't. I try to turn my head but I can't. I scan what I can with my eyes and recognize my surroundings.

"It's been a long time." A Hydra soldier comes into my view.

"What the hell do you want from me?" I hiss.

"Did you really think we forgot about you? We're here to take back what's ours. You."

"Fuck you!"

"Watch your mouth!" He steps up to the side of my chair and turns his attention to a screen. "Welcome home, soldier."

He presses something on the screen and the walls around my head tighten. I scream out in pain as the headset and tubes around my arms shoot something into me. My body tenses, my muscles flex. The pain lasts until I pass out again.


I gain consciousness and see the same soldier sitting in a chair near me. I clench my fists and release, trying to generate my wisps.

"That's pointless. Your abilities don't work here," he tells me when he notices my attempts.

I glare at him. A breeze from somewhere glides over my half-naked body, sending shivers through my body. He suddenly gets up and comes over to me.

"You're brave for starting a life. Especially outside the protection of the Avengers."

"Shut up," I growl.

"I wonder what your wife is thinking right now."

"I said shut up!" I jerk my body in my restraints, causing him to flinch ever so slightly.

Without another word, he presses the screen, tightening the headset and tubes on my arms. Sharp pains shoot through me again. I scream out in agony. Visions of my old Vertigo missions play through my mind.

"Why, after all these years?" Tony asks.

"Maybe they were waiting for the right moment?" Steve suggests.

"There were probably so many of those! It doesn't make sense," I add.

"So let's break this down," Tony starts calmly. "They have to be in New York if they kept this close of an eye on her. So she has to still be here."

"Okay, but why would they even want her?" I ask.

"It's Hydra. We know they wouldn't want one of their projects roaming the streets," Bruce explains.

"Don't call her that!" I accidentally snap.

"Sorry, their victim..." He corrects himself.

"So back to why..." Steve starts.

-One month later-

I'm sweating, cold, and exhausted. I crave being home. I crave Natasha. I've been tortured so much in the past month, I truly think they might kill me. The only thing keeping me sane is counting the days, as hard as it is since the only light is from a slit in the top of the room. I haven't been fed much, only the bare minimum, which is not enough.

I'm staring at the crack in the corner of the room when I hear the room's door open and close. A second later, my personalized soldier comes into view.

"Please... Just let me go..." I plead.

"No can do." He presses the screen and once again, shooting pain courses through my body. Being too tired, I only scream a little.

When it finally ends, my soldier leaves the room. I let a tear fall, tickling my cheek as it does. The soldier comes back three more times to turn on my machine throughout the course of the day.

-2 weeks later-

I'm in the training room, releasing my feelings onto a punching bag when FRIDAY informs me the team needs me in the conference room. I immediately drop my exercise to rush to the meeting.

"What? What is it?" I frantically ask.

"We have a hit," Steve tells me.

"Where? How? When?" I grill him with questions.

"Just now. S.H.I.E.L.D. facial ID picked up an undercover Hydra soldier. We sent out an agent to tail him," Tony tells me.


"We have a location."

"Well, what the hell are we waiting for? Let's go!" I go to leave the room but I'm stopped.

"Natasha, wait. We have the agent scoping the area right now. We can't be running into a trap," Steve tries.

"And we're the Avengers. Whatever happens, we can handle it. Please, that's my wife."

They exchange looks then look back at me. "Okay, fine. Avengers, suit up," Steve instructs the group.

I run out of the room and, for the first time in years, get into my Black Widow suit.

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