⚠️ NR - Vormir (Version 2)

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Warning: angst
"Nebula and Rhodes, you're going to Morag. Bruce, Scott, Tony, and I are going to New York. Callie, Rocket, and Thor, you're going to Asgard. Clint and Nat, you're going to Vormir," Steve goes over for the millionth time as we're all getting suited up.

"Get the stones and come home. That's it. Don't mess around. We can't risk anything," Tony tells us.

Once our suits are on, the team takes a minute to collect themselves and say bye. My job now is to prepare to part ways with my fiancé. Even though it'll only be a minute in real-time, it'll feel much longer.

"I love you," I say into Nat's neck as we hug tightly.

"I love you. Be safe."

"You too. I'll see you in a minute." I cup her face and kiss her lovingly. She holds me into her.

"Okay, time to go," Bruce announces to the group of Avengers.

I pull away from kissing Nat to hug her tightly once more, kissing her neck as much as I can while she rubs my back. Unfortunately, we're forced to release and step up onto the quantum tunnel platform. We all look around the circle at each other, exchanging loving looks.

"Be careful. Be safe," Steve instructs.

Seconds later, we're pressing our buttons and the Pym Particles are sending us through the tunnels to our destinations. I arrive in Asgard next to Thor and Rocket. We sneak our way through old Asgard, passing Thor's brother, Loki, in the prison.

"There's Jane..." Thor points out one woman in a group of others.

"Here's the deal, tubby. You're gonna charm her and I'm gonna poke her with this thing and extract the Reality Stone and get gone lickety-split," Rocket explains to Thor.

He sniffles and starts to slowly back away. "I'll be right back, okay? There's a wine cellar that's just down here. My father used to have this huge barrel-"

"What? No! We need you here!" I cut him off quietly. Before he can get all the way away from us, we hear a door being opened from where he is headed. He stands against the pillar and Rocket and I duck low.

We peek around the walls to a group of five women in gorgeous dresses walking together. As Thor watches them, he stands. "Who's the fancy broad?" I ask.

"My mother." Rocket and I both turn our heads to him, watching him admire his mother from afar. "She dies today."

"Oh, that's today?" Rocket asks sadly.

Thor's breathing quickly becomes deep. "I can't do this. I can't do this," he heaves. "I shouldn't be here. I shouldn't have come. This was a bad idea," he continues out of breath. "I think I'm having a panic attack."

Suddenly, Rocket literally slaps Thor. "Rocket!" I quietly yell at him but he just gives me a look as to tell me to shut up.

"You think you're the only one who lost people? What do you think we're doing here? I lost the only family I ever had! Quill, Groot, Drax, the chick with the antennae, all gone. I get you miss your mom, but she's gone. Really gone. And there are plenty of people who are only kind of gone. And you can help them. So is it too much to ask that you brush the crumbs out of your beard, make sure we talk to pretty pants, and when she's not lookin', suck out the Infinity Stone and help me get my family back?"

"Okay," Thor agrees after Rocket's semi heartwarming speech.

"Are you crying?" I ask, sort of holding back a laugh only because of what he looks like right now.

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