⚠️ NR - Vormir (Version 1)

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5 years after Thanos snapped away half of the population and we finally found a way we could possibly bring everyone back. Scott Lang calls it a "time heist". I call it incredibly dangerous. But it's worth it. So many of my friends were snapped away. We owe it to them to at least try.

We were all assigned a team. Nebula and Rhodey are going to Morag, Bruce, Scott, Tony, and Steve are going to New York at a different time, Rocket and Thor are going to Asgard, and me and my girlfriend Natasha are going to Vormir.

We all walk up to the time machine in our red and white suits and stand in a circle on the platform. We're instructed to get the stones and come straight home, nothing else. We can't afford to risk it. Billions of lives are in our hands, again.

"See you in a minute," Natasha says to Steve right before we put our helmets on and time jump to our own separate places.

Nebula, Rhodey, Natasha, and I all ride together to Morag. We're here just to drop off our friends and wish them luck.

"Good luck. Be careful," I say as I'm hugging Rhodey bye and walking onto the ship with Nat to fly to Vormir to get our stone. The soul stone.

"Under different circumstances, this would be totally awesome," I comment as our ship enters the soft violet atmosphere of Vormir.

Nat doesn't talk, just places a hand on my shoulder and squeezes lightly. Our ship lands and we immediately step out and start our journey to retrieve our infinity stone. We walk hand in hand up the mountain. When we reach the top, we hear a voice from behind us. We both whip around. Natasha draws her gun and I snatch two throwing knives from my suit. We aim our weapons at the strange voice. It's a floating... guy? He's red. Weird.

He starts by calling us by our names and our parents. We step closer, gripping our weapons tight.

"Who are you?" I demand.

"Consider me a guide to you and to all who seek the soul stone," the strange being explains.

"Oh good, you tell us where it is, then we'll be on our way," Nat instructs him.

"Oh liebchen, if only it were that easy." The being then turns and starts to float away.

We follow him a little more up the mountain and to a tall cliff. I look at Natasha then at the red man.

"What you seek lies in front of you, as does what you fear," the red man starts, standing off to the side as Nat and I look over the edge of the cliff.

"The stone is down there," Nat comments sternly.

"For one of you. For the other... In order to take the stone, you must lose that which you love. An everlasting exchange. A soul, for a soul," the red man explains.

I whip my head to him in disbelief. I then turn to Natasha who's walking over to a rock on the side and takes a seat. She puts her hands over her mouth and stares at the ground.

"Maybe he's making this shit up," I try.

"No, I don't think so."

"Why, cause he knew your daddy's name?" I ask, getting slightly irritated at the situation and turning away from her.

"I didn't."

I turn back to face her.

"Thanos left here with the stone... without his daughter. That's not a coincidence."

"Yeah," I mumble my agreement.

"Whatever it takes," Nat states.

I stare at the cliff next to us. "Whatever it takes."

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