Avengers Movie Premiere

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Today is my first Marvel movie premiere and I am beyond excited. I don't know what really to expect since I have never been in anything as big as a Marvel movie. I was told that it's big and amazing though. This premiere is for the Avengers movie Vertigo was first introduced in.

We all go to a hotel in LA and to separate rooms to get changed and ready for the red carpet. I get into a gorgeous tight strapless black dress that goes all the way down to the ground. There's a cut on the bottom of my left leg, exposing just my knee and below. My artists put on a full face of makeup with diamond dangling earrings and a small diamond necklace. It takes a pretty long time to get ready and the final touch to my outfit is the beautiful tall black heels.

Soon enough, Chris Evans and I are being escorted in a black Audi SUV to the start of the red carpet. Chris and I are together since we're the only ones without a date since we're two single pringles.

"How do you feel?" Chris asks when we're just about near the entrance.

"Nervous only because it's the biggest movie premiere I've been to. But other than that, I'm really good. How about you?" I ramble with an awkward smile.

"Hey, you'll do great. But I'm good as well. Thank you."

Our driver pulls up to the start of the red carpet. Right outside the car, there are crowds of people waiting to see us. There are a lot of people here, press and fans.

"It's time. Ready?" Chris places a loving hand on my shoulder.

I take a deep breath and smile at him. "Hell yeah."

The second the doors are even cracked open, the cheering grows. They don't even know who's getting out yet, I love it. Chris walks to my side of the car since I'm let out directly on the red carpet, and holds out his bent arm for me to take. I nervously smile up at him and wrap my right hand around his left bicep.

We walk together along the red path between metal gates separating us and everyone else. For the first time in my whole acting career, I have a whole fandom cheering for me, calling my name, wanting pictures with me. Along the way, we're stopped by some press shoving microphones in our faces and asking questions. I think Chris can sense my nerves because he lets me cling to him the whole time, and my grip isn't that weak.

"Caaallliieeee!!!" I hear my name being screamed so I turn to see a couple of young girls wearing Vertigo merch.

When I look directly at them, they freak out even more and start waving their hands like maniacs. I know I'm allowed to mingle a little and meet fans and I'm having such an adrenalin rush right now. I look back up to Chris and tug his arm so he looks at me as well.

"I have some people I want to meet. Come with?" I ask with a smirk.

He just smiles and nods, letting me lead him to these fans. It makes me smile so much to see them completely lose it when they realize I'm coming over to them. I smile warmly at them and let go of Chris's arm when I get close enough.

"Hi!" I greet the girls.

"Oh my god! Hi!" One of them basically yells at me in response.

"Can we get a picture with you?" Another eagerly asks.

"Yes of course!"

One of the girls hands me their phone with the camera app open so I stand off to the side of them and take a selfie of the four of us. They each ask me to sign something. A Vertigo hat, a poster, and a phone case.

"It was great meeting you!" I happily say to them as I attach myself to Chris again and walk away.

We walk more and get stopped more. Eventually, we reach the large backdrop with the Avengers' movie logo all over it, and on the ground is the huge Marvel logo. This is where everyone will be taking pictures of us and more press will be asking questions. The second Chris and I get there, we start letting people take pictures of us.

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