Rose Pt. 1

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"So the posters are ready to be sent out," my director of photography mentions during a meeting with me, my agent and manager, and a bunch of crew and production members of Vertigo.

"Great, do we have an estimated time of release?" My producer asks, taking notes of everything like most people here.

"Hoping for a month."

"Perfect. So those will drop soon. Is there any other business worth discussing today?" My producer questions the large group of us at the long oval table.

"Yes, we should start discussing the replacement of James," our casting associate comments.

"Wait, James is leaving?" I butt in before anyone can say anything.

"Yeah, he gave notice last month but we didn't announce it because he was on the fence. Now you know," the CA says to me then turns back to the group. "We won't need a replacement for approximately 50 days so we should send out our classic cry for help," she chuckles, earning some from the rest of us.

"Okay honey, it's time to be quiet now. We don't want to bother them if they're working," I tell my daughter as we walk into Callie's set building.

Rose grabs my hand and I lead her through the building. It's unusually quiet for the Vertigo set. Normally there's a lot going on since this movie is heavy with action. Callie doesn't know I'm here, I had nothing to do today and I wanted to surprise her. She's been stressed recently. We don't see anyone except a few stragglers doing their own things.

"Where is everybody?" Rose questions the emptiness.

"I think I have a guess." I bring her to the only place where everyone could be.

"Miss Callie!" Rose squeals when we reach the single glass door of the conference room.

She tries to sprint into it but I stop her. "Hold on baby. They're having a meeting," I giggle as she continues to try to escape my grip.

"But I wanna go!" She complains, extending the 'o' in go.

"How about..." I start as I look around me for a distraction. "We go explore today's set," I offer and she finally gives in, running off ahead of me to explore. We've been doing this for a while so she knows not to touch anything or mess with gadgets or equipment.

I follow her around for a good half hour until I hear the distant voices of most of the crew filing out of the conference room. "Hey, let's go see Miss Callie now!" I call out to Rose who immediately comes sprinting back to me giggling.

She grabs my hand and literally drags me to see Callie. She's sprinting so I'm forced to lightly jog behind her. When Cal's in our sight, Rose releases my hand and runs as fast as she can up to her. She's talking to some people so she hasn't seen either of us yet.

"I still can't believe you guys didn't tell me about James leaving," I jokingly complain to my CA as we stand outside of the conference room after the meeting.

"Hey, don't blame me! I'm only following orders," she chuckles.

"And I'm the star of the movie, I feel like I should know these things-" I start but I'm cut off by something grabbing an extremely tight hold of my waist. I jump with a light yelp.

I look down to a grinning Rose. "Hey, sweetheart!" I pick her up and hold her on my right hip. She wraps her little arms around my neck and legs around my waist to hold herself up. "Wait, what in the world are you doing here? Where's your mom?"

"Momma wanted to see you!"

"Where is she?" Before Rose can answer, I feel a hand on my lower back. I turn to see my beautiful Scarlett standing to my left.

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