Hitchhiking Pt. 5

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"Are you sure you don't want to come?" my mom asks me.

"I'm sure."

"Okay. Well, call me if you need me. If I'm not picking up, just call any of the others. Please no big parties. I'll be home in a few weeks, I promise. And if anything changes-"

"Mom, I know," I cut her off softly.

She stops to stare at me with loving eyes. She drops her luggage and steps up to me, embracing me in a tight hug which I return. "I love you."

"I love you too."

With that, Mom kisses my head and leaves me alone in the mansion. She said no big parties and the second June knew I was going to be alone, she planned a trip over and told me to invite all my LA friends over. June doesn't get here for a few days so I have time to relax. Even if Mom finds out about June, I know she'll be fine with it.

About five hours later, I get a text from Mom saying she landed and she misses me. I text her back then head to the kitchen for a snack. I spend the first day being home alone trying my best to not fall asleep. I even lounge in the pool for a bit. Nothing's fun alone.

-Next day-

I'm lying across the living room sofa talking on the phone with June when the doorbell rings.

"Hold on," I tell June as I get up to see who's here. I peek through the slit of glass between the door and its frame. "I... I have to call you back," I say to June, ending the call before she can answer.

For a moment, I don't believe what I'm seeing. Knowing I have to answer the door, I take a deep breath before opening it.

"Hi, Callie," my dad greets me.

Suddenly, I feel nauseous. I just stare at them. My parents. My blood parents.

"Can we come in?" my mother asks.


Before I can respond, they come in anyway. Typical. I close the front door but stand in shock. When I recover, I turn to face the two humans I hate the most.

"W-What are you doing here?" I ask shakily.

"We heard about the adoption," my mom says.

"How did you even find out where I live?"

"Oh, honey. This is barely your home. But we're your parents, we can find out anything. And you know your father with his connections."

"Don't call me honey. You lost the right to call me that," I snap. "But you didn't answer my question. What are you doing here?"

"We're here to take you home," my dad says.

"I am home. So you can go-"

"It wasn't a question," my dad cuts me off.

"Where is Ms. Johansson?" my mom asks.

"She's not home right now. I'll call her to find out when she's coming home. I'm sure she'll want to be a part of this," I say even though there's no way I can get Mom home quick.

Despite my words, I leave my parents in the foyer to call Mom. Unfortunately, she doesn't pick up my five calls so I result in calling people from the cast in hopes they answer. After calling a few of them, I get an answer from Chris Evans.

"Hi, Callie. What's up?"

"No one else is answering."

"Are you okay?"

"No really. Can you please get my mom?"

"Yeah, hold on a sec." There's some silence for a minute. Finally, my mom's worried voice is on the other end.

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