NR - Callie Parker Pt. 1

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"Today's the day! I'm so excited for you to meet my friends!" My younger brother squeals from across Aunt May's apartment.

"Me too! When did you want to leave?" I call back.

"Is 10 minutes okay?" He asks since I'm the one who has to drive.

"Yes, Pete. That's perfect. Make sure you're getting ready!"


"I'm so nervous," Peter whispers in the passenger seat of my black Dodge Challenger as I pull into the Avenger's facility parking lot.

"Why's that? You think they won't like me or something?" I chuckle, putting the car in park.

"No, Cal. Nothing like that. I think they'll love you. I just always get like this when I see them. I mean they're the Avengers."

"Peter. You are too. You have no reason to be scared." I gently smile at him.

"Yeah, okay. Thanks."

"Okay, let's go! I'm excited!" I ruffle his hair and he shoves my hand off his head.

We climb out of the car and make the short walk inside, Peter leading the way.


Peter wanted me to have a "cool entrance" so he instructed me to wait outside the room all the Avengers are in waiting for us. Only to reveal myself on his cue.

I lean on the wall next to the door, listening to Peter and his friends.

"So what's that huge thing you wanted to show us?" I hear a man's voice that I only partly recognize.

"Okay, I'm so excited. I have someone I want you to meet. Her name's Callie."

That's my cue. I don't want to be late on it because I know for a fact he's awkwardly holding his arm out to the side, waiting for me to stand next to him. As much as I would love to embarrass my brother.

I strut into the room, making my own "cool entrance" and stand next to Peter who's, and you guessed it, holding his arm out awkwardly to the side. His smile grows from ear to ear and he wraps his arm around my waist, mine around his shoulders since I'm taller than him. Everyone stares at me, confusion plastered on their faces.

"Callie is..." He looks up to me then back to his friends. "My older sister."

Every jaw in the room drops to the floor.

"Okay well." He points around the room to his people as he says their names. "Callie, this is Clint, Wanda, Steve, Bruce, Tony, Thor, Vision..."

I smile at each person kindly.

"...and Natasha."

Oh my god.

I accidentally stare at her, caught up in how gorgeous she is.

"Nice to meet you," they say practically all at the same time and smiling.

"Alright! I'm going to show her around the place. We'll see you guys around!" He spins on his heels and drags me by my wrist out of the room and around the compound.

"...and this is Tony's lab. He's made epic stuff here! Like my Spider-Man suits and his Iron Man suits and pretty much all the cool stuff we have, Tony's made it here."

"Damn, that's really cool Pete. I'm really glad you brought me here. I love seeing where you spend your time and meeting the people you spend it with. I like being involved in your life," I vent as we peek into the lab then turn back the way we came.

"Maybe you could stay longer? I know Aunt May would love to have you stay. Why don't you stay?" His happy tone slowly fades.

"Pete... You know I can't. I have to work."

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