NR - Show Off

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A/N at the bottom.
I'm sitting in the bedroom wrapping a gift I got my wife for our upcoming anniversary when I hear footsteps coming towards the door. Not knowing who it is, I quickly shove the gift into a box and slide that box under the bed. Shortly after, the door swings open, and just to my luck, my wife Natasha comes in.

"Hey. What're you up to?" She asks, walking into our bathroom connected to the bedroom.

"Uh, nothing interesting," I lie.

"Uh-huh... Kids are looking for you by the way," she calls from the bathroom.

"What for?"

"Oh, I don't know. They seemed like they were up to no good so I'm happy to hand them over to you." She smirks as she walks out into the bedroom.

"Aw, can't handle the kids?" I tease.

"Just get downstairs, please." She tries to hold back a smile the best she can but I can see the smile tugging at her lips.

"Yup. Give me a minute okay?"

She just nods and walks back downstairs. I follow her downstairs a couple of minutes later.

"Mom!" My daughter calls in a suspiciously excited tone.

"Hi." I shoot her a warm smile, then feel the strong little arms of my son wrap around my right leg. His face has a mischievous smile plastered on it.

"Heard you two knuckleheads were looking for me?" I chuckle.

Greyson runs over to the couches in our living room, Dallas following. I'm extremely confused but I let them lead me to a couch. As soon as I'm seated, my daughter gives me an evil smile.

"What is going on?" I ask my kids.

"We have a question," Dallas starts.

"Okay... what's up?"

They look at each other and exchange looks then look back at me.

"So obviously, we know you and mom were Avengers. But you've mentioned before that you have powers..." As Dallas talks, a slight smile tugs at the corner of my lips. "...but I don't think we've ever seen them."

There's silence for a moment.

"So what's your question, exactly?" I ask.

"Can we see them?" Dallas's face lights up with excitement.

I sit and think for a second. Since I retired from the Avengers 16 years ago, I haven't used my abilities. I have done everything I can to avoid it. I just feel like it's safer for everyone if I don't. Plus, I don't like how I got them.

"Yeah, can we see them?" I turn to see Natasha walking into the room smirking. She takes a seat next to me and puts an arm on the back of the couch behind me.

"I-Y-yeah. O-okay," I respond anxiously.

I rub my hands together nervously, preparing to generate my wisps. It takes me a little longer than it used to. I told myself I would never use them again unless it was absolutely necessary. Natasha notices my nerves and gently places her hand on my upper back, telling me it's okay.

I close my eyes and clear my head. When my eyes open again, blue wisps are gliding around my hands. I look up at my kids who are in pure shock and excitement.

"What can you do with them?" Dallas eagerly asks.

"Well, a lot. But in terms of things I can show you..." I trail off as I use both hands to create a wisp ball in my hands and toss it a few inches in the air.

"Holy crap!" Dallas's mouth gapes open.

I ignore her language just this once because of the situation.

"Woah!" Grey exclaims.

"Show off," Nat chuckles from next to me.

I smile at my kids freaking out over my powers as I fidget with the ball in my hand. I turn to Natasha who's still gently rubbing my upper back to comfort me. She shoots me a warm smile, which I return.

"What else can you do?" Dallas continues to pry.

"The short answer, pretty much anything that has to do with messing with molecules."

Dallas's mouth gapes open but Grey just looks confused.

"Grey, it just means mom can make anything do anything," Dallas explains to him and his face lights up now that he understands.

"Why don't you use your powers anymore?" Grey asks.

I hesitate before answering. "I don't need them now that we aren't saving the world," I half-lie.


"Are you alright?" Nat asks as we're getting ready for bed.

I'm sitting on the edge of the bed, staring at my hands. "I haven't used them in 16 years, Natasha."

She comes over and crouches down in front of me.

"I have done everything I can to avoid it. I told myself I would never use them again, only when absolutely necessary. There hasn't been a situation in 16 years where I've had to use them." I continue to stare at my hands. "I shouldn't have, it's not safe."

My wife puts her hand on my cheek so I have to look at her. "It's okay. No one got hurt. You stayed in control, even it has been almost two decades."

"I don't know Nat. I was terrified of losing control. Especially with my family. I can't be putting you guys in danger like that."

"We aren't in danger. S.H.I.E.L.D. gave us ways to contain it if you lose control even if we aren't working with them anymore. It'll be okay, Cal. I promise. You made the kids so happy today." She smiles at me then gets up, kissing my cheek as she does.

"If you say so." I roll onto the bed to snuggle into Nat for the night.

"Goodnight, I love you," she whispers.

"Goodnight, I love you too."

Hey! I just wanted to say holy shit thank you for 10k reads! It's still beyond me how I managed that. I've been getting such lovely comments and it makes me so happy that people actually like what I'm writing! So thank you for 10k reads and all the support!

Have a lovely day/ night!

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