🔞 Hooking Up Pt. 3

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After Lizzie exposed me and Callie, Cal basically sprinted out of the conference room. I glare at Liz as I get up to follow Cal to her trailer. I go to open her trailer door but for once, she locked it. This is bad.

"Callie?" I call calmly while I knock on her door.

I don't get a response.

"Callie please open the door," I plead, still getting nothing from inside. "I'm not leaving until we talk."

I rest my forehead on her door, waiting and listening for any sounds. It takes a good five minutes but soon enough, I hear some rustling and I perk up. Another minute later, I hear the lock click but the door doesn't open so I try it and it does. I walk up her little steps to an empty main room. I lock her door behind me and head for her bedroom. She's laying on her stomach on her bed over all her blankets. I lean in the doorway for a few moments before walking over to her.

"Hey, we gotta talk," I say, crouching down on the floor next to her bed.

She flips her head on her pillow so she can look at me. I reach up and gently rub her back to comfort her.

"That was horrible," she groans.

"I know, I'm sorry."

"You shouldn't be here. Someone probably saw you. They're gonna talk," she mumbles sadly.

"I don't care. Let them talk."

She perks up, tiredly sitting up on her bed and patting the spot in front of her. We stay silent for a couple of minutes.

"I'm sorry," Cal starts.

"What for?"

"I should've been smarter. I should've locked my door or even closed my room's door. I'm sorry I was an idiot-" she shakily rambles.

"No, you weren't an idiot. It was a matter of circumstance. What was happening was a good enough distraction. How were we supposed to know Liz was going to walk in?" I cut her off, placing my gentle hands on her knees.

"I don't know but now the whole cast knows what we've been doing for the past fucking year."

She falls back onto her bed with her arms above her head in annoyance. I stare at her for a moment, just sort of thinking. As I think, I can't help but scan her body. Starting with her hands above her head, my eyes make their way to her sharp jawline and pink lips, down her neck to my personal favorite spot, her chest. I admire every inch of her abs with a small smile growing. Finally, I scan down her legs then my eyes dart back to her face, specifically her lips, and just like a magnet, I'm pulled in.

With my hands still on her knees, I carefully uncross her legs and crawl between them. I hover over her with a smirk.

"Oh, is this what we do after we just got walked in on?" Cal asks with the smallest chuckle.

"What can I say? I'm addicted to you," I whisper, coming down to her lips softly.

She gives in completely and grabs the back of my neck, pressing our lips together harder. Her force earns a quiet moan from me.

"Did you lock my door?" She breathes between motions.

"I think so." I smile against her lips.

Suddenly, she aggressively pushes up on my collar and looks me dead in the eyes.

"You think so? Jesus fuck Scarlett. Do I need to remind you what happened literally just a few hours ago?"

In a slight panic, she attempts to get out from under me, probably to go lock the door that's already locked. I slam my hand on her chest and push her back down before she can get up.

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