🔞 NR - Mine Pt. 2

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Warning: Callie g!p
I haven't left Callie's side since we got back from her room earlier. I'm not trying to get punished for talking to anyone else. Callie's hand remains on my lower back, dropping closer to my ass every few minutes. The majority of the party has left, the rest of us linger around the couches.

"When's the wedding?" Clint laughs.

"Tomorrow. You didn't get the invite?" Callie says, her face jokingly concerned.

Clint's face suddenly drops. "No?"

"Hm. Must've got lost in the mail. Bummer." Callie shrugs.

"Yeah, bummer," Clint chuckles.

"Well, it's getting late. Nat and I should head to bed." Cal slides her hand over and leads me out of the room by my waist.

In our room, I start getting out of my dress but I'm stopped by Callie's hands on my shoulders. I turn my head to look at her over my shoulder.

"You were good," she says softly, unzipping my dress.

"I tried."

She pushes my dress off my shoulders and it drops to the floor. She presses up behind me with one hand on my stomach and the other sliding up my body to grab my throat. A gasp escapes my lips at the force. She leans her face close, brushing her lips against my ear.

"I want you on your knees," she breathes then nips on my earlobe.

She slowly releases me and I settle on the floor in front of the bed. I watch her strip down to bare skin and walk over to me, dick hard. She sits on the bed so I scoot on my knees to between her legs. My hands travel up her naked body to grab both breasts. She lets out a quiet hum at my first squeeze. By the fourth, her moans increase.

"Don't take your time," she whispers weakly.

With a smirk, I bring only one hand down to her dick and hold it while I lean down. Her hands rest on the nape of my neck as I tongue at her tip. Eventually, I wrap my lips around her and let her cock slide down my tongue until it hits the back of my throat. She groans softly, turning into something louder every now and then when I hum against her or occasionally deepthroat her.

Finally, I finish my sucking—mainly because it started getting hard to breathe—and seductively climb onto her lap, straddling her legs. She grabs me to keep me from falling by my waist. After a wipe of my chin that was dripping with spit, I grab the back of her neck.

"You still sore?" Callie husks.

"A bit."

"Do you want a round two?"

"Definitely." I pull her into me so she presses her lips in between my breasts. When a hum escapes my lips, she moves to my hard nipple, flicking it with her tongue then taking as much as she can in her mouth with a suck.

I lean my head back. "Fuck."

One of her hands traces its fingers from my waist to my upper thigh to my clit. I throw my head back further when she presses her fingers to my entrance. She rubs my clit until my juices are dripping down her fingers.

When she pulls out, I look back down at her. "Let me ride you," I pant.

With a smirk, Callie scoots back enough for my legs to touch the bed. I lift up just enough so she can use her hand to stick it in me. I carefully lower myself with a loud, long "Fuck." Once I'm warmed up to the feeling, I bounce on her dick, my tits bouncing with me. There's moaning, near-screaming, cursing as I fuck myself on her dick.

Cal throws her head back briefly before coming back to me and gripping my sweat-beaded waist tightly. My breathing hitches for a moment before I squeeze out, "Callie!" The next thing I know, I'm pushing down on her lap as far as possible and tightening around her. I take a sharp breath in as my body spasms and I'm forced to collapse to the side.

Callie stays on her back, both of us gasping for air. After a little while, Cal rolls out of bed to put her boxers back on with a t-shirt. She tosses me my scarlet-red robe. Once dressed, we lay with each other between the sheets, Callie wrapped around from behind me.

"What do you think our wedding would look like?" I whisper.

I can feel Callie perk up. "Well, I think we'd have a smaller ceremony. But it would still be perfect because that'd be the day we bind our lives together—we don't need a big ceremony to show our love. You'd wear a stunning red dress because you're not the type to follow the classic black and white. But I'd wear a black suit that has red details to match you. A true match made in heaven—or hell. However you see it. All our friends would be there, of course. Wanda would be my bridesmaid and whoever else I deem worthy. You'd probably have Clint as your best man—or bridesman." She chuckles at that. "Our afterparty would be one of Tony's doing but he'd probably make sure it's the best party he's ever thrown. Then finally, we'd have a romantic honeymoon somewhere expensive to finish it off."

I spin in her arms and place a hand on her warm cheek. "That's literally the best plan. Let's do it."

"Yes, honey. One day, we will," she chuckles lowly.

"No, let's plan that. Let's get married."

Callie whips up with a huge smile. "Are you being serious?"

"Yes, baby." I rub her thigh and she collapses on top of me, hovering over my face.

"Then let's get married." She moves to lean in but I'm one step ahead of her, grabbing her jaw and yanking her down.

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