NR - Mafia

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Request: something_lol1

I had to mend the request a little bit but here we are. I've been wanting to write mafia one-shots. So this won't be the last one:)
The Avengers are fighting a mission. It was going great. We discovered an enemy base not too far from Manhattan but to take them down, someone had to get inside. That someone being me. The team only chose me because of my spy background and being able to get into places I'm not supposed to be. So, I was sent out this morning, came home after a meeting with our  enemy, and debriefed the team about what happened. I had coms in but I had to inform them of what I saw as well.

But an hour after I got back to the compound, things took a turn. The compound got infiltrated by the very enemy we were trying to take down,  and a few agents went down with the first bomb. Yes, bomb. I'm fight alongside my fellow Avengers as bombs keep going off and enemies attack each of us.


After hours, the fighting, the bombs, the attacks, it all stops. We won the fight but not by much. It took a toll on us and now we're sitting in front of the completely destroyed compound building.

"I can fix it but it'll take a while," Tony sighs.

"Where are we supposed to live?" Steve asks.

"This was my only place to go," Wanda says sadly.

"Maybe not," I finally come in and everyone turns their heads to me. "I know a place," I sigh.


"Nat, what the hell is this place?" Tony asks as we drive up the long driveway of a place I have never taken or even told my friends about.

"There's no easy explanation so just trust me," I reply.

"I didn't know you knew anyone who owns a mansion of this size. This is bigger than anything of Stark's," Steve adds, and Tony glares at him. But it's true. This mansion happens to be bigger than anything Tony owns.

"I don't just know someone," I say with a smirk.


"I own it."

Everyone in the SUV's eyes pops out of their head and their jaws hit the ground. That's all I say.

"Ma'am, you have visitors. They're at the front door." I wave a hand at my tailor at my assistant's words. She stops working immediately.

"How'd they get past the gate?" I ask.

"It seems as if the guards let them through."

"Will you deal with it?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Thank you, Rurik."

I nod at my tailor and she finishes up my suit. It was a minor fix but I do have plans this evening that I need a suit for. Specifically my black suit with red details—tie, handkerchief, undershirt, buttons—for this particular situation.

"All done."

"Thank you, Mara." I nod at my tailor and she starts cleaning up as I step off the round platform and head downstairs.

It takes me a minute to step down the marble staircases since I was on the third floor of my three-story mansion. There are two sets of staircases on opposite sides of the house—one leads to the second floor, and the second leads to the ground floor. The heels of my dress shoes click the whole way.

"I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't let you in." I hear Rurik's voice echo as I near the ground floor. I walk slower just to hear the situation. "Without proper authorization-"

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