NR- TikTok

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I'm walking around the compound when I hear an all too familiar song coming from somewhere near me. It's a TikTok song so naturally, I have to find the source of it. I follow the song, which is being played over and over again right to Carol's room. I peek in to see her dancing in front of her phone propped up on her desk. I let out a quiet giggle and step in.

"Carol, what the hell?" I laugh.

She jumps out of fear and her face grows a soft rose.

"Oh my god!" She yells with an embarrassed smile.

"Tell me you weren't making a TikTok!" I laugh even harder.


"Hey, no! It's great! It's funny."

"Look, I don't get to Earth all that much so when I do, I gotta make the most of it!" She giggles, picking up her phone off her desk and sitting next to me on her bed.

"Oh, for sure! How many followers do you have?" I ask, genuinely curious.

"Um..." she trails as she's pulling up her profile. "15 million."

My jaw drops.

"I- How?!" I ask in disbelief and slight jealousy.

"I don't know! It just happened basically overnight!" She giggles.

"No. There is no way I am letting you have more than me." I abruptly stand up and begin to walk out of her room.

"It's on now Danvers," I smirk as I'm leaving her room.

I have 13 million so all I gotta do is earn 2 million more followers plus a few extras to keep myself ahead of Carol. Shouldn't be too hard...

I go straight to my room to make some TikToks. I know what people like to see on this app so I get myself in very tight grey leggings and an extremely short crop top tank top. I need to have more followers than Danvers. I pick a good song and quickly learn the dance, posting it and immediately getting a shit ton of likes and comments. Onto my next idea.

I head to the kitchen where I find the lovely Mr. Parker.

"Pete!" I yell to greet him.

"Hi, Callie!"

"I am so happy to see you." I walk up to him and hug him.

"Uh... I am too...?" He hesitantly hugs me back.

"Hey, do you want to do me a favor?"

"Sure, what?"

"Make a TikTok with me. Carol and I are competing for followers and you would be a great help," I beg.

"Fine. But no weird dances please."

"You got it bud!"

I set us up in the kitchen and choose the song Calabria 2007. The song where you do the cool things with your feet. I mastered that a while ago. I forced Wanda to practice with me. Surprisingly, it doesn't take Peter long to learn the dance and he does it quite well when we do our final recording of it. I post it immediately and the comments blow up with things about the special appearance of Peter Parker. Usually, I wouldn't post this much in one day but I have a competition to win.

I move out of the kitchen to find a new recording spot. On the way to find a new spot, I settle on a song but it requires someone to record me. Luckily, I pass Thor on the way to my new spot, I decided on the empty training room since it has a lot of room.

"Thor! Hi!" I call to him as I'm running up to him.

"Hello, Lady Callie!"

"How would you like to assist me in a very important assignment?" I ask in the most Thor way possible.

Scarlett Johansson | One-Shots (1)Where stories live. Discover now