⚠️ NR - Back from the Dead

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Warning: angst
Request: @vikidikido
Inspiration quote: "Surprise! I'm back from the dead! Isn't that exciting?"
-5 years ago-

Alongside my friends and coworkers, we line up in front of the Wakandan army, preparing to fight Thanos' army, The Black Order. In my Vertigo suit, I stand like a boss between Bucky and my wife, Natasha. We watch as the army's creatures attempt to get through Wakanda's barrier, some cutting themselves in half just to do so. As they get through, we start shooting them, me using my wisps to project balls at them from behind the electronic barrier the warriors are holding.

Soon enough, we realize we need to open the border. I grab Nat's hand and squeeze it right before we're sent into battle. We sprint towards the border, the creatures coming right at us. I immediately join the battle, getting into a fight against two Outriders. I blast one, tearing the other in half. Next to me, Nat is fighting her own Outriders. As we fight, it gets worse, harder to hold them back. I'm getting beat up. There are too many.

All of a sudden, a strong stream of light comes pouring in. Thor. We look at him, happy to see him but worn down. Now, the fighting can commence. With a few scratches from the space dogs, I don't let up, blasting, ripping, and throwing them. I glance next to me and notice Nat fighting with all her strength against three Outriders. She's doing great except for the fact that she doesn't see one of the huge Outriders coming behind her.

"Nat look out!" I call to her, projecting my final enemy away and sprinting over to my wife.

Before she can process anything, I get myself between her and the creature that's twice the size of me. It jumps up, crashing down on top of me but I roll out of the way. While Nat fights, I protect her against the ugly ass creature that tried to kill her. I'm just about to project a wisp ball when out of the blue, a sharp, excruciating pain courses through me. I look down to see a shiny sword right through the center of my body. With what's left of my strength, I blast the space dog to hell before dropping to my knees. Nat finishes off her creatures and immediately runs over to me.

I finish off the Outriders I was fighting and spin to see Callie dropping to her knees. I immediately run to her. "Callie? Honey?"

Her body gives out so she crumbles back, right into my arms.

"Okay, it's okay. I got you." I bring my wrist to my mouth. "Callie's down," I tell my coms. 

"Is she alive?" Steve asks.

"Not for long," Callie tells her com.

I whip my head back to her. "No. No. Hold on. You'll be okay." I bring her into my lap as my friends fight around us, keeping us safe.

They know what's about to happen and they're creating a barrier around us, letting us say goodbye. As we gaze at each other, Callie coughs up blood. To slow the process, I apply pressure on her open wound so she bleeds out slower.

"We will... meet again," she heaves, her hand making its way to my upper chest.

"I love you. I love you so much," I cry while pressing my lips against her forehead.

"I love you." She closes her eyes, her hand sliding off my chest.

I hold her against me for as long as my friends can hold back the Outriders.

-Present time-

In the new compound, I sit alone at my desk, spinning my wedding band on my finger. Since everything, I've sort of taken up the role of "team leader". As I eat my peanut butter sandwich, Steve Rogers walks in. I'm not necessarily in the mood for his positivity to be shoved down my throat but what can you do, I guess. As we enjoy small talk about the whales in the Hudson and how we both need a life, a screen pops up in front of me. It's camera footage.

What the cameras show... impossible.

"Is this an old message?" Steve asks me.

I stand up from my seat and say, "It's the front gate."

We scramble to let her in and a few short minutes later, she comes into the room. I open and close my mouth, attempting to form words. Nothing comes out.

"Surprise, I'm back from the dead! Isn't that exciting...?" Callie fake smiles.

I don't know what to say. She died in my arms. I held her lifeless body five years ago. I stand frozen in place. So she does it for me.

"Before you ask, yes. It's really me," she smiles as she steps up to me. "I've missed you," she whispers into the tight hug she pulled me into.

It takes me a moment but I hug her back just as tight. "How are you here? You died. I held your body. I felt your heart stop," I cry into her.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm here. The Wakandans fixed me up. After everyone disappeared, they found me before it was too late." Callie rubs the back of my neck as she soothes me with her words.

I pull out of the hug and drag my hands up her body to cup her face. My eyes dart back and forth between hers as I study every inch of her perfect face. This doesn't feel real. Finally, I pull her in. For the first time in five years... since she died in my arms... our lips lock in a perfect, sweet, warm kiss. We gently kiss for a minute as we take in each other.

When we pull away, Cal takes my hair, gently bringing a chunk to the front. "Wow, a lot has changed."

"A bad change?" I ask.

"No. I love the look."

My cheeks grow a soft rose as she toys with my blonde streaks. After a few minutes, her hands fall to my collarbones, slowly sliding down my chest. She stops them when they sit on the top of my mid-chest. She closes her eyes and leans forward, resting her forehead against mine. We stand with our heads pressed together for as long as we can until Cal pulls away with a sweet smile.

"I have a wicked scar now," she smirks.

"Oh yeah?"

She smirks as she lifts her shirt to expose an intense vertical scar right between her perfect abs. As happy as I am that she's alive, seeing the scar makes me tear up again.

"What is it?" she questions the tear that rolled down my cheek.

"You saved me and this is what you get for it. A nasty scar in the middle of your perfect abs."

Her smile grows at my comment on her body. "I still have perfect abs," she boasts.

I playfully roll my eyes and place a hand on those abs, the other bringing her face back in for a passionate kiss.

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