⚠️ Free Fall Pt. 1

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———————————————————————Scarlett:"I'll always love the way that suit fits your body," I comment on Callie's black skin-tight bodysuit

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"I'll always love the way that suit fits your body," I comment on Callie's black skin-tight bodysuit.

She briefly turns around from examining herself in the skinny mirror. "I'm glad it looks good because it doesn't always feel good," she lightly chuckles then goes back to adjusting her suit.

I press myself up against her from behind and rub up and down her biceps. "Can't wait for tonight," I purr in her ear about our date night.

"Me too. We haven't gone out in so long," she sighs, resting her head back on my shoulder.

"I know. So what scenes am I watching you perfect today?"

"A lot of Vertigo bullshit and I think I'm doing more action today than the past two weeks combined."

"Mmm, that's fun."


Unfortunately, my wife's phone goes off on the bed behind us telling us she's needed on set. We walk onto her set together and she kisses my cheek before we part ways. I get settled in her chair while she talks to her crew.

"How does the harness feel? Secure?" My stunt coordinator, Carson, asks me.

"Yeah, feels good," I tell him.


Next, my special effects coordinator, Ford, comes up to us. "You know how this happens?" He asks.

"Yes sir," I smile.

"Stop that," he chuckles.

"It's a high jump so don't hesitate. If you do, you know you run the risk of getting hurt and we're trying to avoid that," Carson explains.

"Yeah, I know," I agree as I'm stepping onto the platform that will lift me.

"Are you sure you're ready? This is one of the biggest jumps of the movie. If you aren't ready we can postpone it-" Carson tries but I cut him of kindly.

"I'm ready, I swear."

"Okay." He turns around to the AD, Logan. "We're ready to roll!" He calls to the cameras.

I give the crew the thumbs up and a minute later, the platform I'm standing on is being lifted slowly and carefully. I grip the fabric of my harness as the platform vibrates gently under my feet. I do everything I can to keep calm. I glance down at my wife who's looking up at me. She shoots me a warm smile and blows me a kiss. Being too nervous, I only shoot her a small smile in return.

"Callie, how are you doing up there?" Logan asks through a megaphone once I reach my destination. I nervously give him a thumbs up even though I'm slightly terrified of being up around 30 feet in the air knowing I have to jump. "Okay, you're set to fly in twenty seconds. Breathe."

I do as he says and use my final moment as a breather. "3... 2... 1... Time to fly," Logan calmly instructs.

I take a quick deep breath and start the scene. Before leaping, I take a few steps backward on the platform then run and jump. As I'm in the air, something doesn't feel right.

Suddenly, one of the hooks of my harness snaps, causing my body to snap the second and me to go freefalling to the floor.


"OH MY GOD!" I shriek when my wife hits the thin mat below her. I sprint to her laying on the ground. She groans and hisses in pain. "Callie?" I try to get her attention but she opens her eyes just for them to fall shut once more.

"We need an ambulance in here, NOW!" Ford instructs the crew as he crouches down on the other side of Callie.

"On it!" Carson replies and ten minutes later, Callie is being brought to the hospital.


I wake to the sound of my wife groaning. Immediately, I whip up from sleeping in the chair next to her hospital bed.

"Honey. Oh honey," I coo, carefully sitting on her bed next to her and stroking her hair.

She looks me in the eyes with an unreadable expression. "I... Who..." She starts slowly.

I lift from hovering over her. "Babe, it's just me," I try, assuming she's just groggy from the drugs they put her on. She did break her wrist, after all. She's got to be in pain.

"I'm so sorry, do I... know you?"

I freeze. Tears fill my eyes so I sadly step out of the room. When her door closes behind me, I silently sob.


"What happened to her? Why doesn't she know who I am?" I ask her doctor outside of her room.

"In simple terms, she hit her head really hard when she fell. We looked into it and we're hoping this memory loss is just a temporary side effect of her concussion."

"I hope so too."

"Just give her time. She'll come around." The doctor leaves me alone outside Callie's room to overthink.

Seeing how our last conversation went, I don't go back into Callie's room. I sadly make my way to the waiting room.


The next day, I wake up in the waiting room. For a good minute, I forget that my wife doesn't even know who I am. Like almost five years married is down the drain because of one stupid, horrible fault at work. The doctors tell me it's okay to go in during the day. They say I should try talking about memories that might trigger her memory to come back. They don't know how long it'll take, though.

"Your first day working for Marvel. Do you remember that?" I ask.

Callie, who's sitting up in bed, turns her head to look at me. I'm in the chair next to her bed. I stare out ahead of us, too afraid to face her when there's visible confusion.

"I work for Marvel...?"

I take a sad deep breath. My heart just keeps breaking with every answer about how she doesn't remember. I shake it off and paste on my hopeful smile. "Yes. You are one of the biggest Marvel superheroes. Vertigo."

"Oh." She nods, still clearly not knowing.

"On your first day, you and I made one of the most important scenes in the Avengers movie—the one where your character was introduced. I think that was the day I fell in love with you. You looked at me like I was the most beautiful woman in the world."

Callie's eyes light up and for a moment I think she remembers. Then she says, "You are quite beautiful. I hope whoever you are with treats you well. Well, I hope you are with someone or this was just awkward."

"I am with someone. I've been married for almost five years. And the woman I'm with treats me so well. The best." A tear fights to fall. "Excuse me a moment," I say softly, quickly leaving the room.

Scarlett Johansson | One-Shots (1)Where stories live. Discover now