🔞 Jealousy

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Little A/N at the bottom:)
I side-shove Mack really hard after she messes up the scene for the third time. Our director, Andrew, gets angrier with us so we force our laughter down.

"Girls, please. We are so close!" He pleads.

"Yes, sorry. We're done," I tell him, sending Mack a playful glare.

"Remember how this scene goes or do I need to review it again?"

"No, I'm good. Are you good?" I respond, glancing at Mack who nods while still fighting back laughter.

"Good. I didn't feel like going over it again. So places!" We step into our rightful spots. "And action!" We act out the scene, this time getting it right.

"Now was that so hard?" I tease Mack.

"Great! Just one more scene for the day! Let's review how it goes!"

We stand around while Andrew goes over our lines, where we stand, what needs to happen, and how.

"Good afternoon, Scarlett," Callie's AD, Logan, greets me as I walk into my wife's set building.

"Hi," I tiredly greet him.

"Callie should be done within the hour. You're welcome to watch. I can take your things to her trailer if you'd like."

"Yes, thank you, Logan, that'd be great." I hand him my things and let him take them so I can make my way to the set.

When I sit down in Callie's chair behind scenes, I listen to Andrew instruct the next scene. I stare at Cal in her Vertigo suit, damn she looks good. She hasn't noticed me yet, but that's fine, I like the way she looks when she's working. As Andrew talks, Cal stands with her feet shoulder-width apart and arms crossed across her ribs. Next to her, Mack's being instructed.

"Great, so I just want you to start right where we left off. Mack, go for her waist, Cal, her face." Andrew's words throw me into a pit of confusion.

"Cal, we start with you. 3... 2... 1... Action!"

I attentively watch as Callie picks up from the last scene I didn't watch. She walks right up to Mack, immediately grabbing her face, Mack holding onto Cal's waist. They come together quickly, interlocking their lips in an extremely passionate kiss. So passionate, I can feel it and I'm not even the one being kissed. My jaw drops slightly at the sight of my wife making out with another woman. I have to keep reminding myself it's just for work over and over again in my head. The kiss feels like it's lasting forever but thankfully, they're finally instructed to pull away very slowly. The gradual parting of their lips makes it worse.

"Great work today ladies! Thank you for not making us redo the scene again!" Andrew looks directly at Mack and I can't help but smirk at her.

"Oh shut the fuck up," she laughs as we're walking off of the set together.

"I didn't say anything. Just thanks for not making us redo the scene again!" I call as I'm already running away, turning around to her giving me both her middle fingers.

I jog back to my chair but when I finally look where I'm going, my heart jumps. "Oh shit, hey babe," I greet my lovely wife sitting in my chair.

I bend over with my hands on the arms of the chair over her lap. I lean in to kiss her but she leans away from my face.

"Okay then. I'm just going to head to my trailer and get changed. Join me if you'd like." I rub her knee before walking off.

In my bedroom, I hear the door to my trailer open and close. I continue to face away from the doorway though. "I've mastered getting this thing on and off without you. Thanks anyway," I chuckle to her when I hear Scarlett's footsteps entering the bedroom.

She stays completely silent but takes the little zipper of my suit on my back in her hand. She slowly pulls off my suit, leaving me in Spandex and an uncomfortably tight tank top. All without saying anything, she slowly undresses me from behind, doing the same to herself in between. When there's nothing left to take off, she presses herself against me and wraps her arms around my waist, placing soft kisses down my neck to my shoulder. I let out little hums and tilt my head to give her more access.

"That was quite the kiss with Mack," Scar whispers finally.

"Yeah? You liked it?" I breathe.

"Not at all. In fact, it made me kind of jealous." She aggressively spins me in her arms.

I smirk at her. "I dare you to show me how jealous."

"You dare me? What are you, five?" She teases, taking my jaw in her hand.

"You know it's just for work," I grunt when she throws me back onto the bed.

"You didn't have to kiss her like that though." She aggressively but lovingly pushes open my legs and crawls between them.

"I only do what the screenwriter puts in." I briefly close my eyes and let out a moan when her hand travels down my inner thigh.

She goes for my tits right away, taking one in her mouth. I groan and whimper as she sucks and flicks her tongue on my nipple. I tangle my fingers in her hair and push down on her head, forcing her to suck harder. My force earns a hum from her.

"The screenwriter doesn't tell you how to kiss someone," she heaves when I let her come up for air.

"Yeah, but our director does." I pull her face back to mine and we make out hungrily while her hand travels down the center of my body.

"I highly doubt that." She finally slams her fingers into me, already curling to hit my g-spot and rubbing my clit.

I scream out in pleasure as she pumps with great power. My body rocks aggressively under her with her movements, my head tilted back and mouth gaping open. Her force and supposed jealousy turn me on more, so much, I'm already tightening around her fingers. I know she feels it too because she shoves her fingers knuckle deep and wiggles her fingers, all while looking me directly in the eyes. I break eye contact when my eyes roll to the back of my head and I release all over her hand following an incredibly loud scream.

She continues to glide into me, not letting up yet. My body aches, both wanting more and weak from having such a quick orgasm. She keeps fucking me as she kisses a line down my body. With her other hand, she pushes my legs open as much as they can go. Taking no time, she connects her lips to my core, shoving her tongue into me and swirling it around.

"Oh fuck!" I scream and grab the sheets as tight as I can. "Shit!" She pumps faster as she eats me out at the same time and I can't handle it. My hands stay in her hair to hold her on me for as long as she can go for.

Soon enough, she toys with my clit and suddenly I'm cumming into her mouth. I hold her head so she's forced to swallow. When she does, I relax my body while she crawls back onto me to give me one more quick peck on the lips before getting only on a t-shirt and underwear. It takes me a minute to catch my breath but eventually, I do the same and get back in bed to cuddle with my wife.

"Were you actually jealous of Mack?" I ask when we're all settled in each other's arms.

"Only a little. I know it was a work kiss but I know you didn't have to kiss her that well."

"If it makes you feel better, the way I kiss you is way different."

"It fucking better be," she mumbles into my neck.

Too exhausted to respond, I just kiss her forehead seconds before I pass out.

Happy pride month to all my fellow LGBT+ folks there!!

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