⚠️ NR - Bullied Pt. 1

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Warning: bullying
"Hey, freak!" One of the popular boys, Jackson, yells, shoving me hard into some lockers.

I look down at my feet, still standing against the wall until the group walks away. The bell calling for the last block of the day rings so I quickly rush to it. Math. I hate this class. I sit in the very back of the room, as to not call attention to myself. Honestly, I don't even think the teacher knows I exist. I'm positive that could disappear off the face of the earth and no one would notice, or even care.

I pull out my phone and check for messages. Only one.

June: Hey, wanna hang after school?

I'm lucky to have June. She's my only friend at school.

Me: Yeah, sure. See you after this:)

The teacher calls for class to start and for everyone to put their phones away but I don't pay any mind to her. She doesn't notice as always. I really don't know when I'll ever need to use this stuff. It's pointless. Plus, I'm a senior so it's my last year of high school, why listen? I sit in silence for the rest of the hour and a half of class. The second the bell calls for the end of school, I jump out of my seat to meet June in front of the school, like always.

"So what'd you want to do today?" I ask June on our walk to my car.

"I dunno. I was thinking maybe snacks for now because I'm hungry."

"You didn't eat lunch?" I stop across the hood of my Jeep from June to question her.

"No. Food here sucks. Now can you unlock the car please?"

"Yeah, it does." I unlock the car and I drive us to my house, but after we grab gas and snacks from a gas station.

"Hi Callie, hi June Bug!" My mother calls from the kitchen when she sees us walk in.

"Hey, Mrs. Atwood!" June responds for us.

I drag June upstairs to my room. For the rest of the day, we stay in my room, do homework, talk, and have a little movie night. She spends the night, she often does, and the next morning, I drive us back to school.

"Are we hanging after school today again?" June asks as we walk up the big staircase to the front doors of the school.

"Uh no. I actually have plans today. For once." I chuckle.

"Really? You never have plans. But alright. Have fun. Text me later then!" She calls, running to meet one of her other friends outside her classroom.

I now walk the halls to my first class alone. I try to keep my head down and draw as little attention to myself as possible. I clutch my backpack straps tightly until I walk into my first class of the day, English. It's not my favorite subject but I don't hate it. At least not everybody in this class hates me.

I survive the rest of the school day, only getting shoved into lockers a couple of times between different classes. Now, it's finally time to go home, well, my second home.

I'm walking out of my final class when the same asshat from yesterday comes up to me with his other goons.

"Hey freak," he greets me the same way he did before.

Something inside me felt the need to say something for once. Bad idea.

"Why am I a freak?" I sternly ask, causing him to stop in his tracks and whip around.

"What did you say?"

"Why am I such a freak?" I repeat myself.

He chuckles. "Oh, you've done it now."

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