NR - Callie Barton Pt. 3

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Once again, I find myself hanging out with the Avengers. I'm among most of them in the lounge, talking and just having a good time. Clint brought his kids and Tony has his daughter, Morgan. I find her quite amusing. The four knuckleheads run around with each other, giggling and yelling with joy.

"Aunt Callie!" Cooper squeals and runs up to me, smashing into my leg and hugging it.

"Hey, bud!"

While hugging my leg, he looks up at me. "Can we play a game?"

At the word "game", all four kids get excited and start chanting the word over and over again.

"Okay," I laugh. "What game?"

All in unison, the kids yell, "Hide and Seek!"


The group as a whole decided that it's going to be Hide and Seek Tag since it's just generally more fun. Although we decided without the kids' knowledge that we'll take it easy on them but not for the adults.

"Who wants to count first?" Tony asks the group of us.

"I will," Clint calls.

"Now, no powers or use of super abilities or gadgets! Stay on this floor, there are plenty of places to hide here." Tony says and some of the Avengers groan about the use of powers but everyone agrees. "Count from... 30?" he offers.

Once again, we all agree.

"Better hide well. I'm coming for ya!" Clint laughs and winks at me so I roll my eyes at him. "Thirty... twenty-nine..."

We all book it out of the room. I practically slide around a corner. I pass Peter on my run and we exchange brief smiles then go on our ways. I run to the opposite end of the compound, trying to avoid everything and everyone. I find my way to the training room and sit against the raised boxing ring so I'm not visible from the doors. Yes, I know it's not the best hiding spot, but it's better than running around aimlessly through the halls.


It's been a quiet while in the same spot. To keep my mind busy, I wrap my finger in my shirt's hem then unravel it over and over again. Finally, something starts to happen. From behind me—the doors—the sound of someone running. I peek over the top of the mat but I don't see anyone. Suddenly, I'm being grabbed and slammed onto the mat. My heart skips about ten beats

"Stay down. You're gonna get us caught."

"Jesus!" I heave with a hand on my chest as I try to breathe again. "What the fuck?!"

"Nice to see you too," Nat smirks.

"I think I just had a heart attack."

"I'll save you."

"Too late. I'm dead."

"Damn. That's too bad. I was hoping to go out with you this weekend."

Before I can process her words, the training room doors are swung open. We peek over the mat to see Clint.

"Shit," I laugh.

"Well, let's make a run for it."

"Sorry? I don't think we'll outrun him."

"We don't have to outrun him. I just have to outrun you."

"Bitch," I tease.

"Yeah, yeah. I know. Let's go."

I go to refute her but she grabs my hand and starts scooting to the edge of the mat. Once there, she takes a second before pulling me to my feet and dragging me out of the room.

"Damn it!" we hear Clint yell as we reach the doors.

"Keep up!" Nat laughs, briefly looking back at me with a big smile that melts my heart.

I follow her through halls and rooms, occasionally glancing back to see Clint still behind us. Thankfully, he isn't too close. We turn a corner and for a good long few seconds, Clint is nowhere to be seen.

"In here. Quick." Nat suddenly shoves me into a dark closet. It's a very small closet. So small, I can feel her breath against my face.

"Back in the closet, I see," I laugh quietly.

"Shut it." I can't see her face when the door is closed but I can hear her smile.

"You know if Clint opens that door, we're both done, right?"

"I got that, thanks. We weren't going to run around the compound forever."

"What happened to 'I just have to run faster than you'?"

"If you don't shut it, I swear I'm going to-"

"What? What are you going to do-"

I'm cut off by Nat's lips pressing to mine. That shuts me right up. She cups my face and finally, I kiss back just as passionate. It doesn't take long to start slowly making out. She pushes me up against the wall gently. I hold her close by the back of her neck. I can't stop a smile.

"Gotcha! Oh shit."

We rip apart to the closet lit up by outside light and Clint standing in the doorway.

"Damn, caught us," I surrender with a smirk.

"Too bad. Anyway." Nat steps away from me just to step up to Clint. "Go find the others." She promptly shoves him out of the doorway and closes the closet door. "So, where were we?"

I smile and pull her back in.


"I knew it!" Clint exclaims.

"You did not," I refute.

"This was my plan all along, you know. To get you two together. And clearly... it worked."

I shove him lightly and he stumbles into his kitchen counter. "Your plan was to get me and Nat alone in a closet?"

"My plan was to get one of you to make a move! I knew you wouldn't so I had to prompt Nat a little. If I could get you two alone in an enclosed space, I figured you'd get annoying and she'd have to shut you up one way or another. Just basic Callie Science."

"'Callie Science'"—I air quote his words—"what bullshit," I laugh.

"So, did it work further than that closet kiss?"

"What, like did we fuck?"

"No! Jesus, I wouldn't wanna know that anyway. I mean are you two dating?"

"Ah," I smirk. "It's casual. For now. But yeah."

"WOO!" He throws his hands up in the air as a celebration. "I'm so good at this."

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