⚠️ NR - Losing Control

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Warning: angst
It's only been a few months since everything with Hydra. I'm still learning how to control what they gave me. It's a long and painful process. It's not easy but I'm really trying. The training room is the safest place for me to experiment with them, so that's where I am right now. Wanda tried coming with me to help because our powers are alike in some ways, but I told her it's too risky.

I stand in the middle of the empty room and take deep breaths for a few minutes. Clearing my mind is a necessity if I am to not kill everyone.

"Okay, here goes nothing..." I whisper to myself. As I close my eyes, I empty my head so when I'm able to open them again, my blue whisps are slowly gliding around my hands.

I have to stay calm. My powers often match my emotions. Like if I get sad, my powers are weaker but if I'm angry, it's the opposite. Stuff like that. I walk up to a human-shaped target on the opposite side of the room. I think about what I want my wisps to do. I'm extremely specific when picturing it so when I finally shoot wisps out of my hands, the target completely turns to dust. Molecular disintegration.

I look at the dust on the ground that once was the target. I know I'm able to reverse this and I should try if I am to someday master my abilities. Once again, I take a minute to close my eyes and clear my mind, only thinking about what exactly I want to do with my powers. When my eyes open again, I aim with my hands and attempt to reverse what I just did.

It doesn't work.

I try again. But again, it doesn't work. Gradually, I can feel myself getting frustrated. Shit. I know I shouldn't but I try again. Every few tries, I reset my mind and hope it works. But of course, it doesn't. I'm using both my hands, blue wisps quickly flowing around them both. On my final try, when it doesn't work, I let my anger out. Big mistake.

"FUCK!" I yell, projecting a powerful wisp ball across the room and smashing all of the gun range targets. The paper on them blows up in little fires and the debris comes crumbling down to the ground with a crash.

I look at the mess I made and it just makes me feel worse. Feelings of slight sadness and more anger fill me to the brim and all of a sudden, I find myself releasing all of my built-up anger. I feel my eyes glow blue, I've officially lost control. Standing in the same spot, I slowly spin around, destroying everything around me. I throw wisp balls at the fight ring, setting fire to it. I project a strong stream of wisp at one of the heavy-duty workout machines and a few seconds later, it explodes. Molecular combustion. When I lose control like this, all my abilities come out and I can't stop it.


I whip up from my desk at an unsettling loud boom. I assume It's just Tony and his goddamn blaster tests, like usual, and go back to my work. Minutes later, another loud crash. I'm getting annoyed with him so I text our group chat to tell him to shut up.

Kick Names and Take Ass

Me: Tony, for the love of God. I'm trying to work.

Tony Stark: What am I doing wrong this time Romanoff?

Me: You and your damn blaster tests!

Tony Stark: I'm not testing anything.

Wanda Maximoff: Nat, Tony's out with Pepper today.

Me: Then who the hell is breaking shit?

Wanda Maximoff: No idea.

A sudden bad feeling washes over me.

Me: Where's Callie?

Wanda Maximoff: Oh no.

Me: Shit. I'll handle this.

I drop everything and run to the only place she would be. The training room. I cautiously open the doors. If she's losing it, I don't want to startle her. I slowly step in and I'm immediately greeted by Callie standing in the middle of the room, projecting her wisps at a punching bag, eventually ripping it in half from feet away. I guess she notices me standing here because she whips her head to me. Her eyes are glowing blue and her wisps continuously flow around her hands.

I gulp. "Callie, it's me. It's Natasha," I hesitate.

She stares at me the same way she did when we first met after she was taken. Like she doesn't know me. It breaks my heart. I stand away from her, honestly too scared to get any closer. We look at one another for two and a half minutes—I was counting—until the blue in her eyes starts to fade in and out. I slowly and carefully walk up to her now that her eyes tell me she's coming back. As I walk to her, she backs away until her back hits the wall.

"Callie?" I try again.

She slides her back down the wall. Her wisps continue to flow around her hands but they're much weaker, more faded. She looks up from the ground to me crouching in front of her. This time, her gaze is sad, frightened almost.

"Natasha..." She starts weakly.

"I'm here."

"You can't. Stay away from me. I'm too dangerous," she cowers.

"You're not dangerous." I reach for her hands to comfort her but she immediately scrambles away in pure fear.

"No don't touch me!" She backs away until she hits a corner and can't go any further. "I don't want to hurt you!" She cries.

"You won't hurt me," I whisper, reaching for her hands again. She tries to hide them from me but I grab them softly anyway. Her wisps slowly flow onto my hands and panic sets in her. She tries to rip her hands out of mine but I tighten my grip so she can't.

"Hey, relax. It's okay. I'm okay, see? You aren't hurting me," I assure her. I try to stay positive, even though I'm not 100% sure that she won't lose it again.

She glances down at our hands, her wisps traveling up my arms. If her wisps reach my heart, she could subconsciously stop it but I'm trying not to let either of us panic so that doesn't happen.

"Look at me," I instruct calmly.

Her eyes flick back to mine. "I'm so scared," she finally admits.

"I know. But you're doing so well. I'm so proud of you." I rub the backs of her hands with my thumbs and just when her wisps are about to hit my chest, they fade away. I let out a tiny sigh of relief under my breath.

"You're scared of me..."

"I-N-" I try.

"I don't have to read your mind in order to feel your fear."

"I'm not scared of you. I'm scared of what could happen if you lose control. There's a difference."

At last, her wisps stop flowing altogether. No more powers, no more worries. The pain in her eyes is too heartbreaking for me to handle. I carefully wrap my arms around her and let her come to me. She's slow and cautious when climbing into my lap.

"I don't wanna lose control," she whispers as we rest our foreheads together.

"We can help you. Please let us help you," I plead.

She hesitates. I know she doesn't want help. She feels it's too dangerous and doesn't want to hurt anyone in the learning process. "Okay."

I smile, happy that she's agreeing to get help. "Thank you," I whisper before kissing her head.

Inspiration: Control by Zoe Wees

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