NR - I'm gay.

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I'm about to leave the compound when I'm stopped by a gentle hand on my shoulder. I turn to Steve standing behind me with a kind smile. "Hey, Steve. I was just about to go on a run, what's up?"

"I was just wondering if maybe you'd want to go out sometime?"

"Oh. I-I'm sorry. I have- I have to run..." I awkwardly stumble away from him to start my run around Central Park.


Standing in the middle of my room, I switch between holding up a black dress and a silver dress. I'm trying to figure out which one to wear for one of Stark's parties later tonight. I'm standing in a lacey white bra and black Spandex shorts since I'm alone and there's no one I have to cover up for. I'm always wrong though.

"I like the black one." One of my good friends, Bucky, standing in my doorway startles me.

I jump and scramble to hide my very exposed chest with the dresses. "Jesus Buck! Fucking knock!"

He continues to stand in my doorway so my door is partly open. I watch his eyes fight to scan my half-naked body. In the time he stands there, I watch Natasha stroll by. I can't tell if she saw me but my whole body immediately burns up.

"Okay well if you're just going to stand there, at least close the fucking door," I tell him.

Buck walks in, closes the door behind him, and collapses on my bed. "You look great in black," he comments.

"So the black one?"

"Yeah! Put it on, let's see for sure."

I roll my eyes but agree anyway. I go to the bathroom to put the dress on, coming out to a drooling Bucky when he sees me.

"So?" I ask.

"Perfect. I would smash."

"Okay." I stopped trying to fight his dirty comments a long time ago.


"Would you rather... accidentally send nudes to your boss or your mom?" Tony asks.

"Tony, you're my boss..." I fake laugh. He just smirks at me, making me more uncomfortable than I've been this whole night. "Um, I guess my boss. I don't need my mom seeing me like that," I answer only to keep the game interesting.

All my friends burst into laughter but I only lightly giggle nervously.

"Why boss? Why not team captain?" Steve argues.

"Or guy best friend?" Bucky jumps in as well.

I sink into my seat as the men argue about who would get my nudes. The women of the group, Carol, Wanda, and Nat, don't add to the argument, just laugh and playfully roll their eyes at it.

"I just think her boss shouldn't see that stuff. Not appropriate," Clint states.

"And you think it's fine for you?" Tony opposes.

"A guy best friend is bound to see it eventually, right? Why not start early?" Bucky testifies.

The longer they fight, the more I sink. I scan the room, wishing I was anywhere else when I catch Nat glancing at me a few times.

"Tony, she doesn't want an old man seeing her like that. At least I look young," Steve tries.

I finally get sick of the argument and can't handle it anymore. I leave my bottle of beer on the side table and, without a word, walk out. As much as this happens all the time, I hate it and I will never get used to it. I don't even like men.

I collapse on my bed with an annoyed grunt. I lay completely still and stare at my ceiling, thinking about all the disgusting comments my coworkers made about me and my body tonight. Even if they were all "just jokes". I finally get the energy to take a shower. Maybe it'll wash all the nasty things they said to me away.

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