NR - Cheated On Pt. 4

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God I just want to say thank you. For your support and lovely comments and for just reading and sticking around. You make me happy ❤️
"Come on," I whisper. "Come on."

The Quinjet's quickening of speed puts pressure on Natasha's open wound. She grunts and moans in pain. I think fast. The jet will be home in just under three hours, any faster and the pressure could hurt Nat more than it already is. She could die.

"Okay. Okay." I rub my clean hand down my face. "Okay," I repeat. At that moment, an idea popped into my head. Without another thought, I tap my wrists together, and my suit disables, leaving only two skintight bracelets on my wrists. I slip those off and slide them onto an unconscious Natasha. Since I have control, I tell the suit to enable and it does.

The suit instantly slows the bleeding and I know she'll make it the rest of the way home. I release a breath of relief and let myself lean back against the wall. I don't dare close my eyes but I relax enough.


The jet lands at the compound so I lift Nat back into my arms and walk down the ramp. Some SHIELD agents see me and their eyes immediately drop to Nat's limp body. They rush over to me, calling for medics who arrive just minutes later.

"We'll take it from here," one tells me. "Disable the suit."

"No, it's the only thing keeping her alive," I argue fearfully.

"We can help. Let us help. Disable it, Agent Atwood."

I just stare at them. But I oblige. The blood starts streaming out of her side but the medics do what they can to slow the bleeding. They rush her away, only allowing me to go so far into the med bay. Before sitting in the waiting area, I head to the bathroom to wash Nat's blood off of my hands, face, and neck.

It takes what feels like days but a nurse finally comes out. "Agent Atwood."

I perk up immediately. "How is she? Can I see her?"

The nurse gives me a weak smile but it's quickly dropped. "She made it through the surgery. If it weren't for your suit, she wouldn't have made it home. She's lucky. You saved her life."

"She saved me first," I mumble to myself. "Can I see her?" I ask again.

"Yes, but she's still sleeping. It may take a while for her to wake up. Her body's very tired."

"I'll wait with her."

The nurse nods. I'm led to Nat's med bay room where Nat lays on the bed with a loose white t-shirt and grey sweatpants. She's still unconscious.

"I'll leave you alone."

I nod at the nurse and I'm left standing in the doorway, staring at Nat. A flush of emotions washes over me. I feel the anger build up from Nat being so stupid, sadness and frustration because Nat saved my life and she just got "lucky" that she lived. What if she died? What if she died to protect me? No, I can't think about that. She's alive. That's what matters right now.

I finally move from the doorway and take a seat in the only seat in the room next to her bed. I stare at her and think about what I should say when she wakes up. All this thinking makes me doze off.


I wake to the sound of rustling and groaning. My eyes slowly open and lock on Natasha. She's now sitting up in bed. She looks tired and confused. Then she notices me. We stare at each other for a few moments before one of us speaks up.

"You're up. Good," I say, my voice raspy from sleep.

"How long have you been here? How long have I been here?"

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