⚠️ NR - Taken Back Pt. 2

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Warning: angst, torture

Help is at the bottom.
"AGH!" I scream out in pain after my soldier strikes me with the back of his hand for talking back.

"I thought you would've learned your lesson by now," he snarls.

I glare at him, not wanting to give up my tough front. "What the hell are you even doing to me? You assholes already made me your project, what more could you want?"

"Giving you powers wasn't the only thing we had planned for you," he starts calmly. "You're so close," he finishes, pressing the screen and sending excruciating pain through me.

I scream and cry until I pass out.

"Stay together, stay quiet. No one splits from the group, not here," Steve says through the coms.

"I'm not following that if I see her," I whisper into my wrist com.

"Natasha, these are orders."

"And I retired so technically you can't give me orders."

Steve stays quiet so I know I got him on that one. As of right now, I'm paired with Clint. The second Steve gives the order, we quietly burst through the back doors of the undercover Hydra base. To everyone else, it looks like a normal building, a regular New York small business. But from the back, where we're coming in, it's a whole lot of Hydra.

Clint and I immediately point out the only door of the area we're in. Making our way to it, we keep the fighting to a minimum to avoid blowing our cover. We quickly go through the doors that lead to a staircase to a lower level, a basement.

"We're in the basement," I tell my wrist com.

"Anything yet?" Tony asks.

"Nothing. We're still looking."

We sneak through the dimly lit hallways of the basement, passing small cell-like rooms on the way. We peek into each one as we pass it but none of them have my wife. Despite Steve's instructions, Clint and I split to go down separate smaller hallways.

"See her?" Clint asks through coms.


We meet back where we parted ways to continue in the main hall. We're far from the end of it when we hear ear-piercing screams and something that absolutely destroys my heart.

"NATASHA!" My wife's voice screams out.

Clint and I immediately draw our weapons and sprint to the end of the hall where there's a cement wall and a single steel door. In the brief moment we stand on one side of it, Callie cries for me again. I rip the door open and I'm greeted by a Hydra soldier standing over my wife in a torture chair. She's very exposed, only in a black sports bra and tiny shorts. Her machine's still on so her screams are even worse now that we're in the same room.

The soldier whips to us and in a fit of rage, I step up to him, grab him by his neck, and push him against the wall. I slam my charged fist into the side of his neck, sending him crumbling to the ground. When he's unconscious, I rush back to Callie where Clint's already trying to figure out how to turn off the machine.

"I don't know how!" Clint yells over Callie's screams.

"There's got to be an off switch! These people are morons!" I call back.

We scan the multiple screens in a panic until Clint eventually hits something on one of them. The chair shuts off, her headset releases, and the metal tubes around her arms loosen. Her tense body goes limp and the screaming stops, turning on the deafening silence.

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